Other people often see me as weird. And yes, I am, but that's what makes me cool. Honestly, I'm the coolest weird person. And I think they are really missing something out by not appreciating me with all my weird sides. They should be happy about it, happy that I exist. And it's their fault when they have a problem with that. This may sound really egoistic, but it's completely not, because I am just confident and protecting myself. It's really not cool to have low self-esteem. So having self confidence isn't selfish. It should be normal to be happy being what you are. And as long as others don't appreciate that, they won't see how cool I actually am. And that's not bad, I can't and I don't want to be friends with everybody. It's ok. I have my friends who are really happy that I am here. And I won't forget that I am worth it. I am enough. And that makes weirdo me happy.
We should be daydreamers
PoetryEin bisschen Zeug, das meinem verwirrten, wissbegierigen und durchaus poetischen (*zwinker*) Hirn entsprießt. -> hieß eigentlich „Denk mal drüber nach". Ich habe es aber neulich umbenannt und das Cover getauscht (am 9.4.22) -> Einige Kapitel sind sc...