♧Chapter 18♧

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Little did he know I killed his father, I tortured him day and night, feeding him his dick that I cut off

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Little did he know I killed his father, I tortured him day and night, feeding him his dick that I cut off.

I fried it and seasoned it so well he cried for more. But that's a different story right now.

Funny thing is I actually have feelings for Liam. Like actual feelings for him and his dick of course

Pulling up in my garage I parked my jeep. Getting out ,I quickly ran upstairs into my room grabbing my travel bag and went to my closet.Grabbing 3 pairs of underwear, 2 tank tops, 3 tights, a pair of brand air force 1's sneakers and 3 pairs of socks and I quickly stuffed them into my bag.

Shitt I need some outfits too. Grabbing my very small black suitcase I grabbed the outfit that I carefully put together and black boots with my makeup bag.

Bringing my suitcase and bag into my room I packed my biggest black handbag I could find and put my laptop and laptop charger in with 30k in cash and my cards.

He thought I only have one laptop huhh. He thought wrong.

Going over to my bedside drawer I grab my passport and all those other documents with my 2 handguns with their silencers on. Yes I have not two but 5 actually. What a girl gotta be prepared.

10 minutes later

I just reached downstairs with all my bags and Alexa in my hand as Terry just brought her here I put here on the ground . Going to the fridge I take out three bottles of water putting it on my bag . Taking out a can of sprite I open the can and I put it at my head, putting it down when it's half.

Fuck am hot and tired as hell. All those struggling trips up and downstairs made me.

Grabbing my silver Lamborghini Urus with neon green interior design inside car keys, yes I do have other cars but my G-WAGON is my favorite, the others are my not so favorite but cars that I like cars. They are for when I don't want someone spotting me and they are always tinted.

Opening all the doors, I put Alexa's blanket on the passenger's seat first then I put her in, seatbelting her

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Opening all the doors, I put Alexa's blanket on the passenger's seat first then I put her in, seatbelting her. Putting my suitcase in the trunk with my travel bag on the back seat .

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