7 Easy Bet

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I lazily pry my eyes open as I got awakened by a strong ass headache and a sore ass body. Just then, I realize that I was, in some way, in a bathroom that I don't recognize. I place my hand on a nearby countertop to help myself stand up. The first thing I notice as I observe the place I am in is that my bag, glasses, and a random wallet were scattered on the floor. What the hell happened? I pick the items up, wear my glasses, take out my phone from my bag, and place the wallet inside instead. Then, I open my phone to check the time..

8:00 A.M. Saturday

Locking my phone, I looked at the mirror and had almost startled myself by my own appearance. My hair was messy, I had nothing on but a low-buttoned Shiratorizawa school uniform top with a necktie loosely hanging around its neck, and my lips were very swollen. Suddenly, the memories from yesterday came surging through me.

Right, I was treated and used like a stupid prostitute yesterday by - my now ex-crush - Ushijima Wakatoshi.

I open the sink faucet to wash my face and hair to at least lessen the image of looking like a crazy woman. When done, I look around and saw that there were no towels around so I opted in opening the drawers by the countertop wherein I found one.

As I was drying my hair with the towel, I open my phone again to check my social media accounts to explore posts about yesterday. Students twerking, drunk couples kissing, outfit checks, group photos, and nothing about me. Fuck yeah! I managed to avoid any more scandals while intoxicated. That's a win for me.

After minimizing the water absorbed by my hair to the point where the water won't fall to the tips, I placed my phone inside my bag and wore my glasses as I walked to the door to leave, my hair down still wet.

"How was (Y/N)?"

At the mention of my name, I immediately stopped in my tracks. I couldn't deduce whose voices were speaking so I just decided to listen first. Although, it was definitely a man.

"If you're talking about the bet, I won."

"Oh really? How'd you manage to break the (Y/F/N), miracle boy?"

"I asked her to leave the room after the sex and made her get money from my wallet as a payment. She took my whole wallet though."

"Dang, you're ruthless"

"Anything for an extra hour of practice. We leave too early and, well, she's easy."

I was played? I'm easy? I was a fucking bet?

My blood was boiling. I got disrespected in ways more than one.

I slide down the wall beside the door, my back facing the wall. I start to breathe deep, trying to cool myself and think things through before I make any rash decisions.

Now everything made sense. That's why he was suddenly turning his attention to me when we haven't even directly interacted before. He invited me to this party and made me his date because of that damned bet. What really sucks is that in all of that, I just gave myself in. He wasn't lying when he said I was easy. He definitely knew that I still had a crush on him even if I denied it during lunch which he took great advantage of.

Well, that's half of my thought process.

Should I just let this slide? Just what I said before, I got to fuck Ushijima which is pretty much a win for me. I have nothing to lose, not even my dignity since it got taken from me years ago. Although, I hate that he has absolutely no respect nor regard for me. He doesn't even know me yet he seems to settle on the image of what the public portrays from rumors and fake scandals. And again, what happened last night seems to just prove his thoughts about me correct, that I'm now just a pathetic whore. Ugh fuck, I don't know how to deal with this bullshit.

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