Chapter 2 | Lost in Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Chosen walking outfit

Anastasia walks down the front stairwell to the living room

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Anastasia walks down the front stairwell to the living room. She sees her mom reading a Vogue magazine and heads to the kitchen. Walking to the island she debates grabbing an apple or banana. She grabs an apple washes it off and walks to the living room.

"Mom, I'm leaving".
"Be careful honey", she says not even glancing up from her magazine.
Anastasia grabs her keys, phone, and money off the coffee table walks outside and locks the door.


Anastasia has been walking thirty minutes taking random turns. Her eyes capture teenagers playing hockey in the park and families having picnics. As she walks on the path of the park taking in the scenery surrounding her she spots a small coffee shop. She walks down the path, and orders a coffee while sitting on a stool looking out towards the lake. As the sun starts to hide behind the clouds Anastasia glances down at her phone as her phone display 6:00.

I should start heading home, Anastasia thought. She throws away her cup as she opens the door beginning her journey home.

As she takes the marked path by the lake she turns left. A few minutes later, the path begins to look unrecognizable.

Ugh why didn't I just stay inside, nice going Ana. I'm in a new state and I don't know anyone. She takes her blackberry cellphone out of her pocket.

Anastasia glances down holding the power button, "Crap my phone's dead".

She begins to walk again trying to retrace her steps growing frustrated as the sky displays beautiful colors of the sunset. She begins to walk faster and collides into a teenage boy wearing a yellow polo and light tan shorts. Anastasias' eyes travel upward and meets blue ones.

I'm so sorry
It's okay

She smiles and walks around him retracing her steps slowly as she looks around. Blue eyes follow her. She must be lost, he thinks. He slowly walks up to her.

Are you okay? The boy in the yellow polo ask.

Actually I'm lost I'm new here I went for a walk and now I'm lost.

Okay calm down take deep breaths, your in Edina, Minnesota. My name is Adam Banks. I've lived here all my life. What's your name?

Anastasia but my Manhattan friends call me Lion

Okay Anastasia I can show you how to get back to your house.

Um okay thanks, you sure I can trust you? You aren't going to try anything right.

Of course not, Banks says.

Anastasia does a once over determining if she can trust him.

Uh okay, I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Okay that's about an hour walking but I can show you.

They begin their long walk as the sunset darkens behind them.

A word from Higginsracegirl

*From now on inner thoughts will be in bold and conversations will be in italics.
Also, let's just act like it takes an hour to walk from Minneapolis to Edina 🙂

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