Chapter 29 | Varsity Vs. Ducks: Game of Love

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Ana's door creaked as Julie and Anastasia walked in. Julie's phone had been ringing since they had arrived.

You're not going to answer the phone? Anastasia walks to her desk taking out her phone and putting her purse on her desk.

Why should I? Julie folded her arms sitting on the bed.

Her phone began to ring again as a picture of her and Scooter appeared.

I don't want to talk to him, she clicks ignore.

The phone rings again.

Julie looks at the phone and then puts it down so the back is facing her.

A second later Ana's phone rings Love Story by Taylor Swift. She designated that ringtone for only two people a long time ago. Anastasia looks at her phone seeing the name of the person she didn't want to talk to but still cared a lot about. She simply ignores it after tonight there was no way they wanted to talk to them.

Julie's phone rings again but this time it shows Banks.

Do you want me to answer this? Julie questions Ana.

No. Ana says.

Ana's phone rings again. Oh my gosh will he stop can't he... She looks at her phone Oh it's Scooter. Do you want me to answer this?

Julie shrugs, you can if you want to.

Hi asshole, Ana says sharply.

Is that really how you answer the phone he laughs what if it wasn't me.

Well the way you have been ringing Julie's phone all night and now how Adam's calling. It didn't really matter.

Ouch Scooter says.

Is that Ana? Anastasia hears on the other end of the phone.

Scooter nods. Can I talk to Julie I know I messed up tonight.

Oh you didn't just mess up you screwed up so bad that neither of us wanted to answer the phone. We don't want to talk to you guys at all. And you can relate the message to Adam since he's right next to you.


Meanwhile Charlie and his Ducks were coming face to face with Varsity after a successful prank of releasing fire ants into their dorms. As the dorm doors open Varsity rushes out wiping and itching their skin. Rick stops right in front of Charlie as he sees the Ducks laughing.

You think you're funny, huh? You think you're worth a damn? Rick says angrily as his team stops behind him. You're just white trash!

Uh, who you callin' white trash? Russ sticks up for Charlie.

That's right. We'll take you anytime, anywhere. Charlie's voice drips with confidence as he cockily looks at Rick.

Tomorrow, dawn! Rick says as he starts walking to the showers with Varsity behind him.


Hel-lo? Anastasia tiredly answers the phone yawning.

Is Julie still there with you? Charlie says urgently.


We have a game against Varsity?

I know, but that's in November.

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