Chapter 1: Last day together.

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"So young little girl, you're picking a fight with us right now huh?" said a man, with three boys right behind him. "You leave me no choice anyways, you hurt my if it means to protect her, I will fight!" the little girl said. That's when the fight started to happen, all the punching and kicking around got everyone hyped, the students starting chanting "fight" all over again in a loop.

If you wonder who the girl is, she's the main character on this side of the story. Her name is Claire Beverly, the young individual of a famous company: The Beverly's. At first glance, you see Claire as an cute, nice, and sweet girl, but when you mess with her best friend, Laylia, she's cold, feisty, and strong, and I mean, REALLY STRONG! Its very hard for people to defeat her in a fight, she won every single one. Im not joking around, you don't wanna mess with her! But let's not get too off topic with this story and continue on with it.

Once the fight was over, the four boys were defeated, like all the bullies who messed with Laylia. "Man Claire, you kept this winning streak on going!" a student said, "Yeah, maybe one day you can be famous for something else." another student said, but Claire didn't respond for a few seconds until she said "Thanks...I appreciate it....but Im not fully sure."

"But Claire, you've protected me for so long around this school throughout these years. You gotta do at least something to help others, like me." Laylia said in the most sweetest tone ever. Just before anyone could say anything, the teacher would come up to the commotion and grab the bullies and Claire. "You all are in mega trouble today!" he said as he took them to the principal offices so the principal could have a talk to all of them. Once they got there, they all sat down on the chairs as the principal stared at them. "So, I've heard you four kids have gotten in a fight, like it has been going on for the past few years!" he said. "Well she started it!" one of the boys said, trying to blame Claire, "What!? No way, you guys have been picking on my friend, so you technically started it first!" said Claire "Says who!?" the other boy said "Said me, Laylia, and almost every student in the whole school." Claire said angered

"SILENCE!" the principal shouted. "Boys, I have no choice but to expel you three from this school. Dismissed." "But si-" "DISMISSED!" he said, cutting the boys off, as they left the school. "As for you Claire, I know you protect everyone here, but violence isn't an answer to this school's policy. You'll have to be home schooled until your parents say you can go to school in person again." "Which means, I won't be able to see Laylia?" Claire asked. "Yes, you're now dismissed." he said.

Unlike the boys, Claire didn't give a comment and left the office upset. She goes to her classroom and packs up her things to leave. "Claire...what happened?" Laylia said "Laylia....this may be our last day together." Claire said "What do you mean?" Laylia asked frightened. Claire didn't answer, she just ran, ran away from Laylia and the school crying, she wasn't expecting this to happen to her. She never wanted this anyways.

(Time skip: next day)

In the morning, Claire wasn't seen, which worried Laylia a lot. "Hey, Ms.Victor?" Laylia said. "Yes Laylia?" Ms.Victor replied. "Where's Claire isn't she supposed to be here?" Laylia asked. "I'm so sorry Laylia, but she won't be come here anymore." Ms.Victor said "She's now....home schooled until her parents say if she's going back."

Maginage Matches: Lost best friends: Claire's side story(DISCONTINUED) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now