Chapter 5: Reunited at last

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"Laylia!?" Claire said as she rush towards her and hugged her best friend since in a long time. "Hi Claire, glad to see you again." Laylia said. "I'm so happy to see you again too!" Claire said "Did you sign up to be here?" "Sadly no I didn't, but since my principal is nice I get to come here and visit you when I want to if I get stress or anything, so we'll be still together, its just that I'll be at a different school but will visit when I want to. Ok?" Claire wasn't that much happy about not being in the same school, but she like the fact that Laylia could visit anytime around. "Yeah I don't mind, it won't be the same without you being in the same school with me but at least you get to visit here whenever you want so I understand, but is my principal-" before Claire finished, Laylia cut her off "Don't worry, they already made this agreement. Besides, they're both friends like us." said Laylia. "But since you just came here, they said I can stay over here for one day. But other days are only visits or end of the day activities." "Got it." Claire said

At first period, the teacher wasn't there yet so they all hung out for now until they came. Laylia and Claire were talking about how things went before now until a pink rabbit walked towards them. "Uhh excuse me, Claire right?" The small rabbit said. "Yes? You must be Kate right?" Claire said as Kate nods in agreement. "How did you father become famous in the first place?" Kate asked. "Well that's technically a story my dad told me so I'll try to remember the details. So basically he started off as a normal citizen with and equal amount of money like an average person would, but his mother, aka my grandma, had an unknown virus. So he tried coming up with a cu-" before Claire could continue, someone cuts her off with a different question. "Beverly!" a male voice said. "Yes...Dan?" Claire said trying not to get angry. "Is it ture that you lost an eye!?" Dan said. "Dan Im clearly answering a different question right now so can you-" "YO! Claire!" A different voice called out. "Now what is it Boy?" Claire said "I wanna ask this girl out and idk what to say." Boy said "I thought these were question about my past but I'll help you with that im a sec-" "Hey, Hey!" A female voice called. "River, not right now. Im trying-" Claire would keep getting cut off with different questions all at once until she think that's enough. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!" Claire shouted, make everyone stop. "One question at a time please." "Don't overwhelm her! Sheesh!" Laylia said.

Well. That was chaotic, Claire wasn't expecting so many people to ask that many questions about her or about an situation that they're dealing with, but thankful its break time now and our two best friends are able to have at least some peace for now, until later. As the were talking to each other, they heard an explosion near the science lab, which happens if you accidentally did something wrong or if its part of the process. Claire would rush to the place and opened the door, reveling green fog coming out of the room, "Ok, what type of chemistry experiment is this?" Claire coughed as someone comes out the room, coughing as well "This experiment was supposed to heal other people quickly when harmed, however, when we added two of the bottles it cause this explosion to happen due to the chemical reaction and heat." the hamster coughed, which his name is Halemer. "I think we should get out before we all suffocate." Laylia quickly suggested as everyone got out before it was too late.

Gladly Laylia suggested that, otherwise they would've been dead by now or mutated into something sinister. Luckily the smoke cleared in less than an hour and everyone was able to continue what they were doing, 'This is what school was like, crazy, fun, yet so many people I know and saw before.' Claire said in her mind, she likes having these type of stuff and she has new people with her on her side, still, she misses her on day they'll be back together once again, then maybe she could show her everyone, her new school, and everything, but today wasn't the day yet, soon, very soon, she'll meet her again.

Claire decided to walk her best friend, Laylia, and the girl she hung out when she was 6, Polly, back to their houses before she can go home herself, they're getting close to Laylia's when suddenly three boys stopped them before they got any further. "Well, well, well. Look who's here once again in our turf. Little miss Laylia, and looks like she brought some friends." The leader of the boys said. "Cut it out Simone, this is the route to my house which is clearly at the end of the path!" Laylia said, reviling the boys name. "Also, isn't this a pubic area for people that live on this side to go home or walk somewhere!?" Polly said, serious she can act like a leader at times. "Nuh, uh. This is our house, which means this whole area is our turf. And there's nothing you little weak sissies can do anything about it since everyone knows all girls are weaklings anyway." As Simone continued speaking, Claire would look at him in a death way, before Simone said anything else that is rude about girls, Claire grabbed him by the wrist and twisted his arm, making it break. "What did you say....about girls being weak?" Claire said in a sinister tone, Simone was dead shock and harmed, couldn't say a single word. Before he even gotten a sentence in mind to say, Claire threw him at the door of the house he lives at, then she looks at the other two boys. "Who's next?" she asked, which scared the other boys away from her. "Your friend is really strong Laylia!" Polly said. "Exactly, that's why she always win class fights, no matter if its 1v1 or more than one." Laylia said, "Come on, we should continue walking." Claire said as the others agreed and continued to walk. Claire wasn't expecting for herself to harm another person, but they were bothering her friend and saying rude things about girls. So its worth the risk even if it means to harm others, she hopes that they'll leave them alone after this event that had happened.

Maginage Matches: Lost best friends: Claire's side story(DISCONTINUED) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now