Chapter 6: Discovery

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(Note: This part of the story is where Claire is now 17, which is her age until her next birthday, the other chapters only showed her past if you're mixed up on the ages. Along in this Chapter, the Bold underlined, words mean something else)

Today there's a 1 hour delay at school, due to some sort of meeting. So everyone was able to hang out and do something until it was actually time for first period, Jillian was going somewhere by herself until Claire decided to catch up with her to see where she's going. "Jillian?" Asked Claire "Yeah?" Jillian replied. "Where are you going?" Claire asked again "Im just going somewhere since its a 1 hour delay today." Jillian said. "Is it ok if I come with you?" Claire asked Jillian, with excitement. "Sure. Besides its more better with a friend anyways." Jillian said, which made Claire very excited. So the two girls head out somewhere for some fun, little did they know, something was following them and went inside Claire's body, making her shiver a little. "Claire, are you ok?" Jillian asked, "Your shivering." "Yeah, it was probably the wind that's doing it." Claire said. "Oh ok, well let's go." Jillian said as the two head out. But they didn't know something sinister was coming their way.

(Time skip: A few minutes later)

"That was so much fun!" Jillian said before taking a sip out of her boba. "Yeah, who knew those rides a very fun once you try it for yourself" Claire said, unaware that her voice changed all of a sudden. "Uhh, Claire." Jillian said "What's wrong with your voice?" "What? What are you talking about?" Claire asked, still unaware. "Your voice just- nevermind." Jillian said "Well we should get back to the school before the others start to get worried." Claire said. Jillian agreed with the idea and was about to head there, until Claire stopped her unexpectedly. "But first..." Claire started "I'll have to....DESTROY YOU FIRST!" Claire shouted, making Jillian back up in fear. That's when Claire's eye was black and she started to attack Jillian, but she managed to dodge it. "Claire, what are you doing!?" Jillian asked. "Isn't obvious Jillian? Trying to destroy you once and for all, and destroy the rest of the gang too once I'm done with you!" Claire said. "This isn't you Claire! This isn't you at all!" Jillian said "Its the new me now..." Claire said. That's when a fight begins between the two.

Claire throws many attacks at Jillian, including punching or kicking her, blasting dark beams, even making a earthquakes around the city. But Jillian kept dodging each and every single one of them. This cycle between them keeps happening until Claire had enough of it. "That's it you little brat!" Claire said as she knocked over a building with one punch. Jillian didn't notice until the real Claire said "JILLIAN, WATCH OUT!" which got her attention to quickly move out of the way, but before Jillian could notice what danger she's in, the possessed version of Claire zaps her with her powers, making Jillian scream in pain. This was revealed that the real Claire was being forced to do it herself. "Wha- what...JILLIAN!" she said as she saw her friend in pain. "No, no, no, no! What are you doing, matter in fact who are you and why are you making me do this!?" Claire said panicking about what's happening to her own friend. "The name would not be revealed, but the reason why Im doing this because Im tired of you brats winning almost every battle you ever faced in your lifetime! But I decided to control your body since you are most strongest, kindest, and popular, yet the most shy, nervous one. You had some sort of power in you, that you've never discovered ever, even when you were just 13. That's why." Claire couldn't believe what she was hearing right now, at this place! She realized that Jillian was unconscious because of this mysterious orb. "Make it stop, STOP IT, Please just stop!" Claire cried but the orb didn't listen. "No, I'm using your body to destroy to whole gang and finish you off myself, so just give it in, you won't stand a chance against your fear." The black orb said, Claire stayed silent for a few seconds and turned to the black orb. "No..." she said "What?" The black orb asked "I said, NO!" Claire shouted, she gained control of her own body again at this time. "Im not letting you take me over with my fear! I won't let you hurt my friends nor my family either!" "You were supposed to be scared and give in to the darkness!" The black orb said. "I'll never give in, Im not afraid anymore. I choose to stick to where I am, I choose to protect everyone I love even if I die!" Claire said and her eye started to glow white, and her other eye is now visible. "And I choose to stop this nightmare!" that's when everything turned white.

After the white light, everything was back to normal and everyone as well. Jillian regains her consciousness, and the damage has been repaired. Claire realized that it was her the whole time, the floating objects, the sword, the teleportation, and her eye glowing white, it was all her. She noticed that Jillian was awake and she ran up to her. "JILLIAN! Oh thank goodness you're ok! Im so sorry about everything that happened to you and the city but it wasn't me, this black orb was controlling me and it knows my fear so I had to fight back! But Im very sorry and I-" before Claire finished, Jillian hugged her by surprise. "Its ok....I forgive you." Jillian said.

(Time skip: 10:00pm)

Claire finally found out what her mother meant by having a spirit as a goddess. But now...she doesn't know how to handle it. Suddenly, a knock is heard from her father. "Claire, you have a letter from someone." Mr.Beverly said, while slipping a letter under Claire's door. Claire would get up from her desk and would pick up the letter. "Thanks dad." Claire said. "You're welcome sweetie." Mr.Beverly said as he left off. "I wonder who's letter this is." Claire said as she opened the envelop gently since it had a cute design to it. "Dear Claire: I know you miss me very much throughout the years, so I was able to come here on earth to see my daughter again. And by tomorrow, I want to visit your school, see your friends and teachers, and show me what has changed. Sincerely....your....mother!"

Maginage Matches: Lost best friends: Claire's side story(DISCONTINUED) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now