Chapter 4: Going to school in person again

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Now at 16 years old, Claire was in her room studying once again as always. But this day was different for her actually, yes, this is the day that it happens, that it finally happens in her lifetime. "Claire, I think its time..." Mr.Beverly said as he came in through the room. Claire got up from her seat and walked to the living room, where her father was original in. He was sitting at his desk looking at Claire. "It has come to my decision and I know your mother will agree too, I have finally decided that you'll go to school in person now, once again." he said. Claire looked surprised at her dad, she was going back to school again in person! But she'll be in high school so she's already prepared. "Alright dad, thank you." she said in a calming tone so her father won't be too startled. Ever since her mom died they took thing a bit more serious, but still had fun.

It was the day she was going to high school and she's way to excited, he father drove her there since it wasn't too far from the house, but still took time to get there by foot. Once they got there Claire already saw many students at the front of the school, waiting to go in. "If they ask any questions, answer them, but not all ok." Mr.Beverly said "Ok." Claire said as she got out of the car to go and meet new people. "Have a good day." Mr.Beverly said. "You too." Claire said as Mr.Beverly drove off. Claire walked to the front of the school where everyone is already there, right on time too, there was only 20 minutes left. So she got time to explore and chat a little. But as she was walking, it caught some of the students attention, the fact that Claire's heals on her boots made them think a teacher was here, but all of them where inside. Once they realized where the sound was coming from, they all took a glimpse at her, most people were surprised and shocked that she was here, others were confused.

"Excuse me young miss but, who are you?" Someone asked. "Well I don't think you really know me yet. My name is Claire Beverly, daughter of the two famous workers, Mr and Ms Beverly, who both works in a company invented by them called: The Beverly's." Claire said, which got everyone's attention, "I'm a part of this school, I was just home schooled for the first month before now." "That explains why she's in the student papers." another person said. That's when everyone started to talk about her and how she was part of their school, which started to make Claire a little nervous. "Ahem, can't you see she's getting a bit overwhelmed." a male voice said, Claire realized there was this some type of fox man standing behind her, he looked like he was taller than her. Standing right next to him was a familiar face she probably saw before in her past, which was the same pink poodle she saw at her 6th birthday, only older, and taller than her, but shorter than the fox. "Yeah, she just got here you know. You can't just overwhelm someone like that." she said as the students apologized for that action, Claire could tell that they're counselors since everyone listened to them.

Before the pink poodle left with the fox, Claire grabbed her arm because she needs to ask a question. "What is it?" she said "You kinda look familiar to me, have I met you before?" Claire asked, that's when memories started to come back between the two, how they first met and everything. "Yeah...I think we did.." she said. "Polly come on!" the fox said in the distance, turns out the pink poodle's name is actually Polly. "We'll discuss this later!" Polly said as Claire let her hand go, "Coming Edward!" she shouted as she ran off, his name is Edward huh, interesting.

Claire starts getting a sick feeling when she walked in the school, it was huge and unknown that she wouldn't dare to get herself lost in this place, seemed like everyone has powers or something unique except her, besides fame, there's not really anything else. Somehow she found cards flying around the air with no control. "Orville! Control your cards, sheesh!" shouted one person, apparently Orville was the card master that she met 3 years ago. "Look Liam, I'm trying ok." said Orville, and the angel's name is Liam. He's a very kind boy when you get to know him. "Hey, little one lemme see what you have." The same pink cat said, you saw her at your birthday. "A KNIFE CATHERINE!" said the 8 year old, Catherine might be phone addicted due to her having her phone with her, she's also probably a gossiper. "NO HANNAH!" Catherine shouted, her name is Hannah, surprisingly an 8 year old skipped all the grades to get here. Wait why does she have a knife!?

Claire gotten to know many students' names including Tac, the nicest student in the whole school, Jillian, the other girl from your birthday party who has a twin named Arthur, who is more capital of protecting others, and Agatha, the theater kid of the school who manages to act out any personality, and Crystal, a ghost who've been here for years. At the end of the hallway, Claire sees a way familiar girl from the past. " that.." Claire began and the girl turned around and looked at Claire with a smile. "Laylia!?"

Maginage Matches: Lost best friends: Claire's side story(DISCONTINUED) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now