Chapter 9: Week 1(part 1)

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(Sunday: 10:00AM)

It was a Sunday morning, and its the first day of training. Claire was going to meet Jillian by the park today since it was her plan to do so, even tho the park was very far, Claire doesn't mind walking there by herself. Besides its a Sunday morning, which is a very relaxing time to walk around and smell the fresh air of flowers, baked goods, and feeling the sun shining on you. Who wouldn't like that?

In a few minutes Claire has made it to the park, where all the little children were at. Just then she saw Jillian by the bench, she was waiting for Claire they could begin. "Hey Jillian." Claire said while running up to her. "Hi Claire." Jillian said while getting up. "You got everything?" "Yep, my water bottle, roller skates, and my phone. Along with snacks." Claire said "Great, let's start." Jillian said. They start running around the park which was part of the training, Kate created an schedule of what to do during the weeks. They only have to run 5 laps around the park, and then 5 laps back, which makes 10 in a row, next they have to do jumping jacks, only 15 then stop there, after that they'll have to ride or skate for 1 mile in 6 minutes, then go back, and finally they'll have to make their powers stronger or at least physically get stronger if they don't have any.

After the jumping jacks the girls decided to take a snack break until they're fully energized again. "Well, I'm beat! Gladly we're having a break." Jillian said sitting down at a white table under the shade. That's where they're having lunch at. "Same here." Claire said as she put her lunch box on the table. As Claire opened her lunch box it revealed to have a whole cheesecake with frosting and strawberries on top of it. "Whoa, that looks so good!" Jillian said amazed at the cake Claire brought. "Yeah, and it tastes even better." Claire said cutting a slice for both herself and Jillian. Once Jillian took the first bite, she instantly fell in love it. "'re right this does taste even better!" Jillian said while taking another bite out of it. "Did you're mom make this?" "Yeah, she makes the best desserts, while my dad makes the best lunch." Claire said as she took a bite out of her slice. After they finished their lunch, Simone came over to the girls. "Well, what's this? You two girls having a tea party? Tea parties are for sisses." Says Simone. "Aren't you supposed to be training Simone instead of bothering other people?" Claire asked while Simone just drunk a pepsi. "Heh, who needs training anyways. Im obviously the strongest out of all of you." Simone said before belching out loud making the girls disgusted. "See you two at the battle..." he said with a grin before leaving the girls alone. "Ew...does he have any table manners?" Jillian said "I don't think so..ugh.." Claire said. "Come on, let's continue." Jillian would agree to that as they got up and went to get they're stuff for the final two parts of training.

They started off with the riding/skating 1 mile in 6 minutes and back, Claire rode her skates while Jillian rode her bike. They decided to it on the hill with a pathway to test their strength to go back up. They started the final objective but something was wrong. "What do you mean you never grown anything else besides roses and other flowers!?" Claire asked shockingly. "That's the thing! I grow rows and rows of roses, but never grown anything else like vines or trees! Even tho I grew a vinous fly trap, there wasn't anything else." Jillian said worried. "You gotta try tho, if its possible to create roses, and a vinous fly trap, then you can grow vines, trees, probably even poisonous plants." Claire said while helping Jillian up. "Come on, its possible to do things that you never did yet in your life, just like I learned that I have powers. I know you can do it." It took a few minutes for both of them to realized that all the plants was starting to rot away for some reason. "Huh, what's happening to the beautiful plants!?" Jillian said shocked due to the plants dying away from existent. Then she smelt it, she smelt the strong, horrible scent that ruins nature. "Ugh! What's that smell!?" Jillian said in disgust while covering her nose. "I don't know, but its coming from over there!" Claire said while pointing at the direction and pinching her's. Both of the girls followed the scent to see where its coming from. As they got closer, the stench grew stronger and stronger than before. Jillian thought that she was gonna pass out, but she was determined to find out who or what was destroying the nature in life.

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