Chapter 8: A meeting at school

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Claire was in the classroom studying for the science test at Mr.Holden's class, which she doesn't like. She didn't make a good relationship with Mr.H due to him trying to kill her and the rest of her friends, even tho Laylia's from a different school, he still targets her! But they just play along with the school rules so nobody would think that they're crazy or anything. As she studied, a flashback came by when she was little. A fight. Between four boys, one big one, and three kids, they were bothering Laylia, giving her an hard time. Before anymore parts came up, Pentagon taped Claire by the shoulder to snap her out of the daydream. "H-huh?" Claire said, looking around quickly. "Claire! Come on, we gotta go." Pentagon said. "For what?" Claire asked. "There's gonna be a meeting at the gym today, everyone has to be there." Lux said "Oh, well lets go then." Claire said as she got up with her books and followed the two to the meeting at the gym.

Once they got there, everyone was talking to each other about what they think the meeting's about or what is the reason for the meeting. "Hey Jillian, what's going on?" Claire asked "I don't know, the teachers said something about 'Handling a student in a different way.' I don't know what they mean by that." Jillian respond. Claire had this feeling that a student might have to be removed from the school, but not in the original way all schools do. "Shh, I think its starting." Polly said as the teachers were getting ready. Ms.Avery grabbed the microphone and healed it up to her chest. "Hello everyone, can I have your attention please." Ms.Avery said as everyone stopped talking and paid attention to Ms.Avery, who is on the stage. "I know you're all wondering why we're here, its about time again that we get rid of a student." Everyone became shocked and nervous when she stated those words out. "But-" she said, which made everyone stop talking again. "This is actually the first time we're doing this type of way, but we're doing an ultimate fight in this school!" That's when everyone got hyped because of this since there's gonna be a fight at the school. "You all know the rules, if the student whose gonna leave wins: they get to stay, but if a chosen student who goes against them wins: they'll have to leave." "You guys do this stuff?" Laylia asked "It's sorta traditional if we can't just expel or suspend them." Claire answered. "So the student we want to get rid of is.... Simone Terri." Ms.Avery said, which everyone was relieved that it was him. "WHAT!? Out of everyone else here, you chose me!? The top student!? Oh please, anyone could been chosen like Delenor or-" "SHUT UP YA MEANIE!" Simone got cut off by Anna, and he did exactly what she said. "The person going up against him is.....

...Claire Beverly."

Everyone was very shocked to hear this, but the most shocked amongst them all was Claire, she was chosen in a fight to beat the heck out of someone else!? 'This can't be happening, not today, why today!?' Claire thought in her mind. "Both students have two whole weeks to prepare for the battle which is on a Friday, so good luck on this event.

(Time skip: At lunch)

During lunch time, everyone was doing, well whatever they do. Kate was hit with a paper ball from Simone which angered her so much that she broke her chopsticks. "Uhh, Kate-" Claire started until she gets cut off by Kate. "Claire! You have to beat him, I can't stand him throwing paper balls at me and everyone else around him! He's just so..Ugh!" Kate said as she slammed the table with her fist angrily, "She has a point Claire, there's many bad things he's done. You wanna know what he did with me?" Orville said. Claire nods in agreement to his quickly as he told her what happened while whispering, which made her look at Simone with the 'Are you crazy!?' eyes. "He does bother Laylia most of the time when she walks home from her school." Claire said. "Did he did anything to you?" Kate asked. To be honest, Claire couldn't recall on what he done with her. Then she remembered that stink bomb prank he did in the locker room while she was helping Lucian, Liam, and Jillian out with the supplies. "That disgusting stink bomb prank he did! And it wasn't just me, Liam, Lucian, and Jillian was there too!" Claire said in disgust. "Yeah exactly, I still have that memory in my head!" Liam said "I can never forgive him for drowning the plants of life..." Jillian said while holding a flower in the palm of her hand "Yeah, I nearly suffocated in there." Lucian said nervously. "And I'll do it again if I get the chance!" Simone shouted "NO!" the four(Liam, Claire, Lucian, and Jillian) shouted back. "To bad!" he said, not realizing that Jillian was real mad. "Im definitely giving him to my vinous fly trap for it to feast on." Jillian said, getting ready to attack. "No! Jillian, we're not doing that! If the teachers say we're aloud to have a team in this, you can attack. Ok." Liam said. "Fine." Jillian said sitting back down. "Oh...what am I gonna do. Two weeks to prepare for a battle, at school, against someone else and I made myself a promise to never fight again since after the last fight I hade since elementary school and I had to be home schooled! What if it happens again, I probably won't see you guys anymore I probably would stay home for entirety and-" "Claire! Calm down! Listen, we're gonna get out of this mess." Liam said cutting off Claire "Yeah, we just need to win the battle. If there's teams." Jillian said agreeing with Liam. "I'll go ask the teachers if there's teams allowed in this, you guys start practicing by next week." Orville told them as he went to Ms.Avery's room "Alright." Claire said a bit worried.

(Time skip: Claire's house at 9:00)

Once Claire gotten into her bed, she got an text message from Orville saying that teams are allowed. 'Well at least I won't be alone on this' Claire thought. 'Maybe after this, that jerk could leave us alone once and for all.' Claire texted back to Orville saying that its a good thing cause she didn't want the same thing happening once again. She put the phone down and turned off her lamp to go to sleep. Hoping that once this is all done, she won't have to worry about any of this ever again.

Maginage Matches: Lost best friends: Claire's side story(DISCONTINUED) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now