Chapter 3: Murder

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It was a rainy day today, Claire is now a 13 year old and waiting for her mother to come back from work again. But it seems like she's taking a while, probably she had to stay there for extra time. "Ms.Claire." one of the maids said "Your father has some guests in the house and they would like to see you." "Ok, thank you for telling me." said Claire as she head down the stairs, wondering if it was the same girls she found at her 6th birthday party. But it wasn't, they were different people that she never met. One had a halo hovering over him, with gold eyes and a birdie on his shoulder, the second had cards in his hands and start playing with them, and the third one seemed to have...a creepy mask or face, but she looked very cool. "Dad, who are they?" Claire asked "These are people that I want to talk about something with them. Meanwhile you four go to your room and play or something, ok Claire." Mr.Beverly said "Alright dad." Claire said. The parents would discuss their situation while the kids go the Claire's room.

"I wonder what the adults are talking about." the creepy girl said. "Yeah, I'm a bit worried about it, especially the fact that my mom isn't here at all yet, its past the time she gets back from work." Claire said, in a worried tone. Suddenly, cards would start flying all around the room out of control. "HEY, WATCH IT!" said the boy with the bird. "Oops! Sorry!" said the boy with the cards "Got outta control there." "Are you trying to do magic?" Claire asked "Yeah, been practicing since I gotten these cards." said the card boy "Each one of us has a special ability base off of our personally." the boy with the bird says "Or who we are." the creepy girl says. "Huh, mom nor my dad never told me about that, in fact I don't think I even have any abilities." Claire said, but things were actually levitating around her. "Uhh, hey poke-a-dots, look behind you." the creepy girl said as Claire turned around to see everything levitating. "Huh!? Wha-what's is all of this!?" Claire said in panic. "Well, seems like someone's making things float." the card boy said. "This is crazy! Uhh, who's doing thi-" but before Claire could finish her sentence, all four kids heard sirens outside the house.

"Sirens? That's odd..." said the creepy girl. "I think there's an emergency or something." the boy with the bird said. "Maybe we should go check it out and see what it is." the card boy said "I would love to do that but my question is how are we gonna get there if we don't even know how to drive!?" Claire asked, not even a minute later they were all flying due to some sort of magic. "This is not what I meant!!!!" Claire said in shocked as they were in the sky up high. "Well it was one of the only ways." the boy with the bird said as he was flying on his own. "I think I see them, over there by that alley!" said the creepy girl. "Alright, let's check it out!" the card boy saud as all four of them flies down to the ground. Once they landed the tried to get infront of the crowd to see what it is, but once Claire got there...her eyes and body froze in dead silence.

"N-no...." she said while looking at the body and taking the clover pin. "She's...gone...." "You know her?" the creepy girl said " mother...."

(Time skip: At midnight)

Claire couldn't believe this was happening here and now, her mother died before she even gotten home right before her eyes. She has been like this after the funeral...but Claire kept her moms pin to remember her, and all the fun times she had with her...she wish she could see her mother again but that's not gonna happen....or will it?

Maginage Matches: Lost best friends: Claire's side story(DISCONTINUED) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now