Chapter 7: Mother

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It was at the crack of dawn in the morning, and Claire was peacefully asleep in her room until someone came in there. "Rise and shine my sweet daughter, you don't want to be late for school." A sweet voice said. "Ok mom..." Claire said tiredly, but then she jumped out of her bed quickly. "M-mom! You're here, I thought you-" she started but then she remembered the note. She went up to her mom and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much mom, I never thought you'll come back here to see me."  Claire said why trying not to cry. "I misses you too Claire, you've been very brave a loyal to your friends, even when Im not around. But let's not get too off topic, you gotta get ready for school." Ms.Beverly said. "Oh, right! You have to come visit my school though. And see my friends!" Claire said. "Ok, ok. But let's hurry." Ms.Beverly said.

After getting ready, Ms.Beverly, and Claire thought of walking instead of driving. Because its been a long time since she had seen and walk in the city. They managed to get there in a few minutes, which was surprising to some of the students that Claire walked to school instead of driving, but what surprised everyone even more is who she was walking with. "Hey Claire!" Agatha said, "Who's that with you?" "Oh that's my mother, she's here to visit the school and meet you guys." Claire said. "Its very nice to meet you uhhh..." Agatha started her sentence but couldn't think of any other word. "Just call me Ms.Beverly." Ms.Beverly said. "Oh, alright Ms.Beverly. I'm Agatha by the way." Agatha said. 'This is so exciting! Agatha's the first person she saw and they're already making a good relationship!' Claire said in her mind.

As the day went on, Ms.Beverly made a lot of lovely relationships with all of Claire's friends and classmates. They all told her the events that have been happening around the school, both good and bad, which was surprising to her. She never knew Claire managed to get through all the events with her friends and by herself. "Claire I never knew your mom would be this nice, I mean you told me she's nice but she's very sweet as well." Tac said after taking a bite out of his sandwich. "Like I said, my mom is one of the most sweetest people I've known in my lifetime." said Claire, as she looked around the cafeteria.

Its hard to tell if your being watched or not when you're in a cafeteria. Especially if there's many people in the cafeteria. Claire realized that the same kid, Simone, the boy who always bothered Laylia, was sitting far away from her with a death look in his eyes. "Oh no, not him again." Claire said. "Who?" Val asked, since Claire was sitting with Tac and his cousins. Claire pointed at Simone who was looking at them constantly. "Oh boy..." Kate said worried. "Did something happen between you two?" Lee asked. "Well yeah, technically he was messing with Laylia, again. And like all bullies, I had harmed them, well actually twisted his arm." Claire said, she didn't mention anything about him underestimating girls due to Kate being there and she only keeps it personal to female friends. "You should be careful Claire, he could probably start an school fight with you after the day is over." Tac warned Claire, he felt real worried about it since Simone gets into fights with everybody, even the nicest people. "Don't worry, I will." Claire said in a serious tone.

During break time, Ms.Beverly decided to take a look at the school roof. As she looked around she realized that Simone was there, she knew him every since she saw Claire twist his arm from up above an building while she was still in heaven. "Well, well, well. Look who it is, Ms.Beverly, mother of the daughter Claire Beverly." Simone said in a cocky tone. "Well, hello Simone. Surprised that you're here as well with you, friends." Ms.Beverly said in a calm, yet serious tone. "Well its obvious that I go to this school, duh! We're the most likeable boys around to come here with all the rest of the poor losers." Simone said. "If you're the most likeable boys, how come people don't talking nor wanna be friends?" Ms.Beverly said. "That's because they're all just jealous and annoyed." Simone said "And besides, why is Claire here anyways? Isn't she home schooled until further notice?" "Her father already said that she can come here in person a long time ago, so she's allowed here." Ms.Beverly said while Simone just scoffed and walked away from the mother. "Sheesh that boy's rude." Ms.Beverly said. "Tell me about it." A female voice said, Ms.Beverly would turn around to see a blonde woman, with magenta eyes. "Who are you?" Ms.Beverly asked. "I'm Ms.Avery, Claire's homeroom and ELA teacher." Ms.Avery said. "That boy is a very disrespectful kid, I don't know how he isn't suspended or expelled yet but he's so rude to everyone in this school, even the teachers!" "Man, you really want him gone." Ms.Beverly said "Yeah, he's a pain in the neck!" Ms.Avery said. "Maybe my daughter could try to put a stop to this." Ms.Beverly said. "What do you mean about that?" Ms.Avery asked. "Well my daughter is a very strong individual, she always won a class fight when she was young. So why not do a battle here, at the school, outside. If she wins, he has to leave, if he wins, he gets to stay." Ms.Beverly said. "You know that's a perfect idea, with a deal and everything. But we gotta make sure the principal doesn't notice this otherwise we're all in trouble." Ms.Avery said. "Ok, we'll call this as a secret meeting for all but the principal, so everyone will know about it. Also both will have 2 weeks to prepare, so they'll make it count." Ms.Beverly said. "Alright, let's do it." Ms.Avery said, and so the two started getting down to work.

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