The Bunker Hitler

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A random officer (pointing at the map): My Fuhrer, we have reports of seeing other Hitler's in this world. We have found a Hitler who call himself the inglorious Hitler here (pointing at that exact location on the map). Another Hitler claiming himself to be the Last ten days Hitler here. Another Hitler claiming himself to be a bunker Hitler here. In this place (pointing at the map again) we have one calling himself Dear Friend Hitler and here...

Dolfy: Alright Alright, I have heard enough. Why are their so many Hitler I want to know! This is unacceptable! I shall be the only Hitler ruling this world why are they here? Of course they have some connection with Stalin!

Jodl: My Fuhrer, what are you planning to do?

Dolfy: I am planning to capture Stalin and ask everything to him.

Krebs: But my Fuhrer, you should not do that. Last time you tried to attack Stalin's USSR it ended up in failure. Perhaps you should capture one of the other Hitler instead having a weak army.

Dolfy: Fine, I will capture another Hitler then.

Jodl: But my Fuhrer, I object to your decision of capturing other Hitler.

Dolfy: Oh for bald's sake why do you object this time? I will do that and I will succeed.

Jodl: But my Fuhrer, it will end up in failure. Each and every other Hitler has a strong Army. The battle will be on equal term.

Dolfy: Oh shut up! Stop objecting to my plan or I will cut that shiny head of yours and use it as a decorative piece!

(Jodl stop talking)

Dolfy: Fegelein doomed my pencil of Doom. Using it is out of question. Let's think of some other plan.

Hitler was thinking of a plan and the whole room was in silence. Goring look at his watch to ...

Dolfy: Ha ha ha! Goringgg

Goring: Hungry Goring at your service. Maybe I can eat you now?

Dolfy: Don't you dare to come any forward! Now listen to me. You will go to the bunker of the bunker Hitler and eat all his guard. If the gates are locked I hope you can eat the metal too. Do it and bring that Downfall Hitler to me. His Reich is the nearest one from here.

Goring: As you wish sir. I want to fill my appetite too.

Dolfy: Himmler will accompany with you too...

Goring: Is he my emergency food?

Dolfy: No you lump of fat! He is to command you and will be in charge of strike. Do whatever he says.

Goring: Got it.

"10 minutes later"

Hitler: Come in.

Gunsche: I have a very important piece of information to inform you that is there are many Hitler's in this world.

Hitler: I know. I know it much before than you. Inform me something important!

Gunsche: I have something more to inform you.

Hitler: This better be important.

Gunsche: You are downfall Hitler and is one of the Hitler in this world.

Hitler: You stupid giant! How dare you waste my time informing me useless stuffs? Go and tell Fegelein he is Fegelein, Fegelein! Fegelein Fegelein!!! (Slaps on desk)

Fegelein left the chat

"Even more 10 minutes later"

Bunker Hitler (ranting): The war is not lost! THE WAR IS NOT LOST! WE CAN STILL WIN... What? Noooooooooooooo!

"Half an hour later"

Goring (on broadcast): This is Herman Goring reporting from the bunker of Bunker Hitler. I was send here by Downfall Hitler to capture him and bring him to our custody. I was accompanied here by Himmler. We successfully accomplished our job of breaking inside the bunker. However even after eating thousands of troops I was not yet satisfied because none of them tasted good so I asked Himmler if I could eat him. However he denied my request and ask me to eat the Bunker Hitler. I have to be honest here, he tasted really good. A tasty thing I ate in a while. But my regret is Dolfy didn't send me to other Hitler's to devour them. Only one tasty meal is not enough for my appetite. He should have send me to ten more Hitlers and let them sleep on my dining table including him. Well, that's for now.
Thank you (eat the camera)

" Few minutes later"

Dolfy (on a dining table eating mean with his officers): Soon the sweet report about the capture of the bunker Hitler will come after which I will eat some decent meal. I am just tired of this crappy mean.

Skeletor: I agree. Last day I went to your toilet and saw the effect this food have on you.

Dolfy: Let the report come and we no longer have to eat these food. We will take all the money of that Bunker Hitler. Oh! I see. The sweet report came.

A random officer hands him the report.

Dolfy: I am sure it is the Ruby report I was waiting for. Finally I can eat some good meal.

Proceeds to read it

Dolfy: Himmler let Goring eat Hitler. DAMN YOU HIMMLER! How can that fool let such a precious being go away? And Goring! GORINGGG! That lump of fat always hungry!!! Can't be control his hunger? Now I have to eat this crappy meal everyday! And not only this but he also reported that I should have send him to all other Hitler's including me to eat us up! Now leave before I mess up this place!

Everybody proceeds to leave.

Dolfy: Burgdorf, bring me Fegelein.

Burgdorf: Why Fegelein sir? You should be calling for Himmler.

Dolfy: Fegelein is the one who works with Himmler. He should be punished.

Burgdorf: Where can I find Fegelein sir?

Dolfy: My back! Now go and search for him or you will have to clean my toilet!

Burgdorf run away

"Few hours later"

Gunsche: Sir, I have an important piece of information to inform you.

Dolfy: This better be good.

Gunsche: We have failed to find Fegelein.

Dolfy: And you are telling me this? You came here to tell me you didn't find Fegelein? Go and Don't come back until Fegelein is found Fegelein! Fegelein! Fegelein!!! (Slaps his desk)

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