Spinning Hand vs Stare of Doom

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Previously: "Behold the power of my spinning hand"...p

Everybody turned around to the source of the voice. It was him, the most feared person of Italiá, Benito Mussolini.

Everybody: Doctor Skeletor!!!

Mussolini: Forget him! He is dead. I am the new leader of the Third Reich!

Krebs: The Fuhrer just had alliance with you! He would have never allowed a stinky Italian like you to be our leader!

Mussolini: Well who cares? Dolfy is dead and there is no one capable of replacing him. I have been in his place before and lead Italiá to...

Skeletor: Well I need you to stop right there.

Everybody were surprised as the debris flew away and there was a shadow of a half dead monster. It was Dr Skeletor.

Mussolini: How the hell are you still alive? My spinning hands should have turned you to Smitherin!

Himmler: Not so easy to defeat the half dead monster. What did you thought?

Skeletor: Shut Up. Let me deal with this and I shall return to you soon.

Mussolini: You though you could defeat me? Behold the power of my spinning hand!

Mussolini spun his hands and suddenly there was a massive earth quake. People all across the world were running in Panik. A series of shock waves emerged from Mussolini's hands and were targetted towards Dr Skeletor...

Mussolini: It's your end Dr Skeletor!!!

But Dr Skeletor had other plans. He dodged the waves and let them hit Fegelein

Fegelein: (With painful voice) Curse you Mussolini! Ahhhhh

Dr Skeletor: Sacrifice needed to be made and in this case the sacrifice was worth it. Now behold the power of my stare of Doom you 'pineapple on pizza' lover!!!!!

Gobbles looked at Mussolini and a neon light emerged from his iris enhanced by the eye lens. Mussolini was not expecting this and was off guard. Now before he could have dodged it, the rays came in contact with his body and created a Vortex around him. It was black and opaque. AKA nobody could see inside it.

Skeletor: You guys, do not do something stupid while I am gone.

Saying this Dr Skeletor went inside the Vortex and it dissappeared.

Everybody: Confused screaming

Fegelein and Himmler: No doubt he is that half dead monster.

With Gobbles and Mussolini inside the Vortex

Mussolini: Where am I? Wasn't I in Dolfy's bunker just now?

From the dark area with absolutely nothing visible emerged a scary shadow of Skeletor. His eyes were glowing red and had a violent outline around his body.

Skeletor: I teleported both of us here. Look around you. What do you see?

Mussolini: Nothing, it's just darkness.

Skeletor: Exactly, we are at the extreme dark part of the universe. Fighting at the bunker was getting costly and devastating. Here we can go all out without affecting anybody.

Mussolini: How on space can I breathe?

Skeletor: Don't question me. It's the author who made it. Just focus on your fight.

Mussolini: All right. My spinning hands of doom, first form, Devilish quake!!!

Mussolini clapped his hands and spinned both of them at the same time. The vaccum space around them began moving (don't ask me how, this is fiction) and they were shaking.

Skeletor: I am not losing! THE STARE OF UNDEADS!!!

Dr Skeletor looked at Mussolini's eyes and Mussolini felt like somebody just stabbed them. He looked around himself and saw the souls of all the people and animals he killed or ordered to be executed.

Mussolini: What is this? Why are they here? I remember killing them a long time ago! Why???

Skeletor: Repent for your sins. These souls are here for revenge.

Mussolini looked away from Dr Skeletor's eyes and all the souls vanished. He looked at the eyes again and the souls reappeared.

Mussolini: I see your tricks! All I have to do to avoid it is avoid looking at your eyes directly huh? Hahahahahahahahahahhahaha

Skeletor: Stare of Devil

Skeletor's eyes suddenly lit up all red and there were hell fire (a fire which is 1000x more powerful than normal fire) coming out of his eyes.

Mussolini: Not so easy! Spinning hand of doom, second form, foam extinguisher!!!

Mussolini spun his hands again and there were foam and white fog coming Outta it. He absorb all the water molecules inside him and duplicated them. Skeletor's fire was controlled... And overpowered.

Skeletor: Ohh no stop!!!!

The foams went inside his eyes and he went completely off guard. Mussolini took the advantage and...

Mussolini: Behold the power of my spinning hands.

He spun his hand and Dr Skeletor exploded. This time however, he lose and lay on the ground.

Mussolini: I wonder why you didn't turn to mincemeat but victory is mine either way. Now send me back.

No response

Mussolini: Is he dead? How am I supposed to go back to the planet now????

... to be continued

Also, I am back after a really really long time.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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