Chapter 5

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Pete choose the meeting place this time and it's a noodle place down the street of his faculty. He didn't want to be intimidated by the fancy place and planned to return the money confidently. He wasn't selling his body so he would not keep quiet and save the money to himself. To Pete it's a mutual attraction for physical touch similarly to a one night stand thing that his friends used to talk to him about. Of course in New Zealand, he was reluctant to try because no one seems to be his type there. Who knew back in his own born country was where his type of guy lives.

Vegas arrived 5 minutes earlier than the meeting time. But of course Pete being Pete, was already waiting there since 30 minutes ago. He waves his hand slightly to catch Vegas' attention and let him know he's there as the latter walks towards his table and took a seat infront of him.

"You're early.", Pete stated plainly with a straight face.

Vegas smirk amusedly at the change of tone and face expression that Pete is making. Where's the cute blushing face now? He thought. "You're earlier.", he replied.

"Here's the m-",

"Are you hungry, Pete? The noodles look appetising. Let's eat.", Vegas cuts in, stopping both Pete's words and movements as he was about to pull out the envelope filled with cash he received.

"Yes. Let's eat first.", he gave up and ordered to the waiter anyway.

"I'll take the tomyum noodle extra spicy and somtam too.", Pete ordered and Vegas just stared at him.

"I'll get the clear soup noodle, make sure it's not spicy." Vegas added to the order making Pete stares at him this time.

A smile appears on Pete's face. "Khun Vegas you don't eat spicy food?".

"No.", Vegas answered shortly.

"Just like a kid...", Pete giggles to himself.

"What did you say?", Vegas asked sternly with his eyebrow raised. A habit that Pete caught he had been doing everytime he's asking a question.

"It's just you're a Thai person living in Thailand yet you didn't eat spicy food. Just like a kid...", Pete mumbles out the last part not wanting Vegas to hear.

The waiter came to serve the noodles and then they both ate in silence. It was weird. They both wasn't talking but the silence was not awkward and the air wasn't thick considering the reason of their meeting, it should've been suffocating for Pete at least. But he somehow feels comfort in just enjoying his food quietly like this.

The constant happy hums everytime he eat a spoonful of his meal, as if it was the most delicious food he ever had made Vegas watches him amusedly. Who's the kid now? Vegas thought.

He was intrigued watching Pete eat to the point that his own meal was completely forgotten. It wasn't to his taste anyway so he didn't bother finishing it. "Is it that delicious?", Vegas asked curiously.

Pete just nods his head and continued to drink the soup, lifting the bowl up to his face. Vegas who was taught the posh people etiquettes while eating, made him cringe at the sight but finding it cute nevertheless because it's Pete who's doing it. This guy could do nothing but breathe and is already adorable. Wait, what am I thinking? Vegas shook his head at the thought.

Pete finished his meal and was about to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand before Vegas stopped him, giving his handkerchief to him. "Thank you, I'll return it to you back once I've washed it.", Pete said as he wipes his mouth with the handkerchief. It smells just like Vegas. I wonder what perfume he used, it smells so good maybe I should buy one for myself. Pete thought.

What he thought was love... (VegasPete)Where stories live. Discover now