Chapter 3

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Kyoshi Island Pt 3

A few minuets later, the leader stop on the middle of practice and looked at Nikomi who was sitting on the floor.

" We don't normally do this but... how would you like to be trained like a Kyoshi Warrior?" Suki asked the young girl.

Nikomi's eyes lit up" I'd be honored to!"

" Great, Then let's get to it," Suki smiled "Starting with your outfit"

" What's wrong with my outfit?" Nikomi looked down at her water tribe clothes.

A few minutes later, Nikomi was dressed in a Kyoshi Warrior uniform with a full face of makeup and she was being given a lesson by Suki while the other girls watched.

Suki demonstrated a simple move with her fan before turning to Nikomi.

"Okay, now you try.Remember, it's not about strength, it's about using your opponent's force against them" Suki instructed.

Nikomi began trying to mimic Suki movements, but ended up slipping on her warrior dress, dropping her fans as she fell. 

" Sorry," Nikomi said franticly.

" It's ok Nikomi," Suki said holding her hand out to help the smaller girl up " We all got it wrong at some point, right girls," Suki turned to the other Kyoshi Warriors.

" Yeah," one said

" Of course," another voiced

" It took me a week to get it wright," came another one

Nikomi gave a small smiled, filling a little better.

" Ok, I'll try that again," Nikomi said, determined.


Nikomi had finally got the move down when Sokka suddenly came into the room.

" Sorry, ladies. Didn't mean to interrupt your dance lesson," The Kyoshi Warriors and Nikomi all stopped and looked at him some annoyed.

" I was just looking for somewhere to get a little work out," Sokka stated, as he started stretching.

" Well, you're in the right place," Suki told him " Sorry about yesterday. I didn't know you were friends with the Avatar,"

" It's alright. I mean normally I'd hold a grudge, but seeing as you guys are a bunch of girls, I'll make an exception"

" I should hope so," Suki smirked " A big strong man like you, we wouldn't stand a chance,"

" True, but don't feel bad. After all, I'm the best warrior in my village," Sokka boasted, completely missing the fact that Nikomi was in the room.

" Wow. Best warrior huh? In your whole village?" Suki glanced back to give a mischievous look at the others.

" Well, Maybe you'd be kind enough to give us a little demonstration?" Suki suggested.

" Oh, well, I mean,"

" Come on, girls, wouldn't you like him to show us some moves?" Suki asked her warriors who all chuckled in agreement.

" Well if that's what you want, I'd be happy to. All right, you stand over there" Sokka instructed Suki before backing up a few paces.

Suki turned to Nikomi as Sokka was getting ready to attack.

Sokka went to attack Suki but the warrior simply held out her fan, jabbing Sokka on the shoulder making him stumble back.

" Good. Of course, I was going easy on you" He chuckled nervously, rubbing his aching shoulder. +

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