Chapter 6

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The King of Omashu Pt2

The kids were taken by the guards to the king of Omashu to receive their punishment.

" Your majesty, these juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretense, and malicious destruction of cabbages" The guard informed the king

" Off with their heads!" The cabbage merchant yelled in fury " One for each head of cabbage!"

" Silence!" The guard snapped " Only the king can pass down judgment. What is your judgment, sire?"

The old king thought for a moment, glancing over each of the kids. His eyes lingered on Aang.

" Throw them..." There was a still silence in the room.

"... A feast"

Everyone looked confused as the kids were ushered into a dining room. They were made to sit at a table and the king soon joined them as servants came in with trays of food. The four kids just sat awkwardly picking at their food.

The king walked behind their chairs chuckling, " The people in my city have gotten fat from too many feasts. So I hope you like your chicken with no skin"

" Thanks, but I don't eat meat" Aang explained.

" What about you, little lady?" The king asked turning to Nikomi, waving a chicken leg in her face.

" Uah... No thank you," She plightly declined.

The king then turned to Sokka, holding the chicken leg in his hand " I bet you like meat,"

The king then jammed the chicken leg into Sokka's mouth before going back to his seat.

"Is it just me, or is this guy's crown a little crooked?" Katara whispered.

" So tell me young bald one, where are you from?" The king questioned sitting in his seat.

" I'm from...Kangaroo Island" Aang lied.

" Oh, Kangaroo Island, eh?" The king lent foreword, "I heard that place is really hopping" his attempt at a joke failed to make the kids laugh.

After an awkward pause, Sokka burst out laughing. The others looked at him strangely.

" What? It was pretty funny,"

The king then yawned " All these good jokes are making me tired. Guess it's time to hit the hay,"

The king then suddenly chucked a chicken leg straight at Aang. The boy used his bending to stop the peace of meat from hitting him in the face.

The entire room gasped.

" There's an air bender in our presence and not just any bender...The Avatar!" The king stated, " Now, what do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Pippenpadlopsicopolis?"

Aang sighed and stood up

"...Okay. You caught me...I'm the Avatar...Doing my Avatar thing, keeping the world safe. Everything checks out. No fire benders here. So, good work, everybody. Love each other" Aang gestured for the others to get up and they slowly backed up to the door. " Respect all life. And don't run with your spears. We'll see ya next time."

They turned around to leave but the guards blocked their exit with their spears.

" You can't keep us here! Let us leave!" Katara demanded.

" Lettuce leaf?" The king asked and munched on a piece of lettuce.

" We're in serious trouble," Sokka staged-whispered. " This guy is nuts!"

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