Chapter 4

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Kiyoshi Island Pt 4

This is the last chapter I promos

" Aang!"

The two girls ran to the unconscious boy just as the Unagi raised its head again.

" Hang on!" Katara ordered, looking at Nikomi.

The younger girl held on to Katara's coat and shot them back to shore with her water bending.

They landed with a crash as the Unagi sprayed water everywhere before finally disappearing beneath the waves as something approached the island.

Nikomi peered over a rock to see what it was and gasped.

Zuko's ship was sailing towards the island at top speed. The door opened and Zuko descended on top of komodo rhinos with a bunch of other fire benders behind them.

" I want the Avatar alive," Zuko ordered as they approached the village.

Nikomi quickly ducked behind the rock again as they passed. Once they were gone, Katara tried to revive Aang.

" Wake up, Aang" Katara water bent the water out of Aang's lungs and, he awoke, coughing.

" Komi. You were right about riding the Unagi. Not very fun," Aang rasped

" Told you," Nikomi said, relieved he was alright.


Zuko and the other fire benders rode into the village on their rhinos.

" Come out Avatar!" Zuko yelled, " You can't hide from me forever! "

The villagers all cowered in their houses in fear and Zuko got agitated.

" Find them!" He ordered and three of the rhinos took off.

Suddenly, the Kiyoshi warriors jump down from the building and attack the soldiers. Suki went straight for Zuko who sent blasts of fire at her.

She jumps to avoid it but gets hit by the rhino's tail. Zuko throws more fire at her but Sokka appears and blocks it with his fan. Zuko was then tackled from his rhino by another warrior.

" I guess training's over," Sokka stated before he and Suki helped surround Zuko. Growling agitated, Zuko kicked his legs out, sending fire at them and pushing them back

He then got up and ran into the street, where he quickly joined him

" Nice try Avatar, but these little girls can't save you," Zuko yelled

"Hey, over here," Aang shouted at Zuko with his staff in his hand.

" Finally," Zuko said then started blasting fireballs at the avatar who dodge and extinguish the fire blasts.

Aang jumped up the landed in front of the fire prince, who kicked his staff out of the air bender's hand.

Aang quickly retreated and landed next to the fallen Kiyoshi Warrior fans. He airs bent the fans into his hands and blew a gust of air at Zuko causing him to crash into one of the houses.

The boy picked up his staff and flew into the air looking around at the destroyed village with a frown, he looked back at the Kiyoshi statue that had burned.


Aang found the girls, who were helping some village children in a small house

"Go inside," Nikomi said to a little girl. They spotted Aang coming toward them. 

"Look what I brought to this place," Aang said, dejected.

"It's not your fault, Aang," Nikomi said, with a frown.

"Yes it is," Aang argued "These people got their town destroyed trying to protect me"

"Then let's get out of here," Katara suggested, " Zuko will leave Kiyoshi to follow us, I know it fills wrong to run away, but I think it's the only way."

" I'll call Appa," Aang said looking down.


The girls and Aang were sitting in Appa waiting for Sokka and Momo. When they got on Appa, Aang yelled: 

"Appa, yip yip!" They took to the sky.

Zuko looked up at the bison and yelled "Back to the ship, don'tlosee sight of them.

Nikomi, Katara, and Sokka looked at the burning village in sadness. 

Katara then walked over to Aang "I know it was hard, but you did the right thing" Aang looked up at her, " Zuko would have destroyed the whole place if we stayed. They're going to be ok, Aang."

Aang then unexpectedly got up and jumped off of Appa.

" What are you doing?" Nikomi cried as Aang landed in the water.

A few agonizing seconds later, Aang burst from the water riding the Unagi, using its whiskers as reins. The Unagi then sprayed water over the village, extinguishing the fires.

The giant creature then flung Aang into the air, and Appa caught him.

" I know, I know. That was stupid and dangerous," Aang sighed, climbing back into the saddle.

" Yes... It was" Nikomi agreed before hugging the boy.

Aang gasped and smiled, hugging her back as they flew away.


The Kiyoshi Island episode is finally finished, and it took way longer than I expected. Turns out I've been spelling Kiyoshi wrong all this time so I will be going back and fixing that.

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