Chapter 15

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AN: This chapter contains explicit detail! If you are uncomfortable with adult content please feel free to skip <3

The party in Velaris was beautiful. The houses along the art quarter had been painted in vibrant shades of color. There was red and pink and brilliant orange, contrasted with deep blues and greens which reminded me of the river Sidra. I found myself unable to take in the full amount of beauty of these buildings.

When Monet had seen me she had grabbed my hand and drug me through the crowded streets to see a small home at the corner of the street. It was quaint and pretty with baskets for flowers under each window. The interior glowed golden and the door was flung open, people inside danced and sang with cups of golden ale in hand. But the color of the building was the most beautiful, shades of purple ranging from a dark royal color to a pale lavender were mixed across the walls. Across the purple were tiny speckles of white, which upon closer inspection I realized with delight were stars. I couldn't contain my joy, beaming at the tiny house.

"This is mine," Monet told me, her purple skin glowing amidst the darkening light, "When I painted it I was thinking of you. Your help to us over these months has not gone unnoticed, lady. This had been a dream of the artists in this quarter for years and we were finally able to make it a reality. I was inspired by your willingness to help us. I painted it to match your eyes."

"A perfect replica," my cousin's golden voice chirped from behind us. She threw an arm around me and spun me around. The two of us laughed with a mirth that could only be found in the purest, happiest of company. I embraced Monet and thanked her heartily before allowing my cousin to drag me to those dancing in the center of the street.

We spent the night in bliss. So much of it was a blur. There had been so many songs and so much movement. I danced with Cassian, Azriel, my cousin, and so many others. We interwoven and twirled and stomped along with the music that never seemed to tire or die. As the remaining color of the sky faded the stars came out to meet us in their splendor and despite the increasingly late hours the merriment seemed only to grow in liveliness.

At one point I found myself leaning against a stone wall, enjoying a fruit tart that I had snagged from one of the many tables of food lining the outdoors of the shops. The fruit was sour and sweet in my mouth, but the crust was perfectly crumbly. Every bite was better than the last.

There was nearly as much pleasure in watching the dancing as there was partaking in it. Cassian and Mor were challenging each other in a battle to finish a pint of cider, both had their heads thrown back, brown drink spilling from Cassian's mouth and splattering across his shirt. Children were drawing with colorful chalk across the stone street by lamplight. Some winged fae had taken to the skies, dancing above everyone's heads in flashes of color and whirls of wings and legs. The buildings, which the artists had dubbed 'the rainbow , were utterly beautiful under the starlight.

I was so consumed with the sight before me that I didn't notice when Azriel appeared next to me. He nudged my shoulder with his and I whipped my head towards him, finding him with a small smile. I lifted my tart to him and he opened his mouth, stuffing the entire thing into his mouth. Though I had only had about two bites left I let my mouth fall open in disbelief at his brashness.

"Sorry," he said, through a mouthful of tart. I rolled my eyes and lifted my fingers to my mouth, trying to suck the remaining bits of sticky flavor from them. Azriel stared at me with an expression of shock and something much deeper, the black part of his hazel eyes grew and shrank. I heard his breath catch as I released my index finger from my mouth.

"What," I asked, studying him and wondering what was wrong.

"Nothing," he muttered, turning away. But something in the strain of his neck muscles caused my spine to fall rigid.

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