Chapter 36

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AN: After the *** this chapter is spicy 

"You can stay here as long as you desire. Stay here forever if you'd like," Helion Spell-cleaver strolled down an open great hall with the swagger of a High Lord who had led his people for centuries. With every step it seemed as though golden magic coursed through his veins, powerful muscle moving with a well adjusted ease. The setting sun fell across his skin, coating him in a brilliant light.

All around the marble pedestals which lined the foyer, also reflected the fading light, and the entire space seemed to be held in a buttery glow. As we continued to walk I could not help but notice that though there were no walls surrounding us, and deep chasm lay on either side of where we walked, the air was as warm as if we were inside. Everywhere we had been so far had been white, golden, and warm. The Day Court was utterly magnificent.

"Thank you," I exhaled deeply, letting myself, for the first time that day, relax in the comforting presence of the High Lord's great power. Helion's magic had wrapped around me the second that I had stepped out of the carriage, and it was the feeling of basking in the daylight on a brilliant summer afternoon.

"When your father informed us all of the upcoming wedding and alliance that was being struck I received correspondence from the Lady of the Autumn Court. We have a... unconventional friendship," Helion explained. He did not offer any more information about their relationship, and I knew better than to inquire. Helion continued,"We agreed that if you showed any sign of distress, any lack of desire for the nuptials, that we would intervene. By law and protocol I, personally, could not escort you from the grounds. There are laws far more ancient than me which prevent a High Lord from taking any fae belonging to another-"

"Belonging-" I began, but Helion simply offered me a writhe smile and I reminded myself that he did not arrange the system that was in place, he was simply the messenger of the rhetoric used.

"The Lady took you in her own personal carriage. She brought you across the border and into my lands. cOnce she carried you over the border of the Dawn Court I could winnow you here," He continued.
"Will my father come for me," I asked, panic overwhelming my face. Helion turned to me and put his hands on both of my shoulders.

"You came of your own free will and I did not force you. Your father has no authority to march any forces in here to reclaim you. Besides, we are already warring with Hybern. I highly doubt that your father wishes for any more internal war."

"But how did my father not stop you?" I pushed, trying to remember.

"Lady Saffryn," The way he said her name shattered something in my heart. His tone was so utterly broken and defeated, a downed male who would never recover from his wounds. "She set fire to your father's cloak. The rest of the room was already in disarray thanks to the stunt you pulled with the windows. All of this distracted your father, while she and I sprung into action. I kept him busy, trying to douse the flames and she got you out."

It was all so dangerous. Such a reckless game to play, the laws surrounding the High Lords were so vicious. To risk all of this for me. To risk all our alliances. To risk civil war in Prythian. Not to mention the personal risk that the Lady of Autumn took by undoubtedly hiding this plotting from her husband, the demon.
"Why," I asked, my eyes smarting with guilt, "Why do all of this?"

"She asked," The male said, and with that I lost all ability to speak.

I held my tongue all the way until we reached a large bronze door. The bronze was ornately carved with imagery of The Mother, the old gods, the rise of the fae, the history of Prythian. I could have sat and studied the carvings for ages. Helion pushed past the door, arms rippling with power at its weight.

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