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"Ranboo, why didn't you take me on a date?" Tommy whined as Tubbo blinked a few times. "Date?" Lucky looked up from their phone and gasped. "Ranboo how could you? Do we mean nothing?!" He gestured to himself and Tommy, who caught onto the act and also gestured to the other.

Tubbo snickered and recorded, watching the scene unfold. "No no, you all mean something to me!" Tommy gasped and held his heart, whereas Lucky stood up and faked a sob. "If we meant something to you, you would've taken all of us on a date!" Tubbo piped up from the secretly recorded video. "I can't believe you Ranboo. I thought I was special." Ranboo sighed loudly and walked towards Tommy, hugging him aggressively. "wH-?" He dropped him and went up to Tubbo, also hugging him. Lucky blinked a few times and stared at Ranboo, who was now towering over them. He leaned down for the hug, whispering something into their ear. "We can go on a date." Once Ranboo let go, Lucky practically melted into the couch, face red. "LUCKY? LUCKY ARE YOU OKAY?" Tommy asked loudly, shaking them. Tubbo recorded the whole thing, hoping for blackmail. "UM YEAH. SORRY I HAVE- TO UH.. MHM." He stood up in a hurry and ran down the hallway, shortly after, Ranboo got a message. "PAHAHAHA" "PPFFFT" Ranboo looked down at his phone and smirked, then slide it back into his pocket. "Anyways, Tubbo, I hope that was good for your video." "HUH?"

Ace sat in his room, breathing heavily. What in his right mind gave him the goddamn courage to say that?! They had gotten used to the newer Ranboo, less flirty, less cocky. This one was confident, yes, carefree, and relaxed more. So the sudden flirty voice that Ace always got flustered from came back, it definitely shocked them. They messaged Ranboo, saying "When's our date? xx" Laughter came from the other room, but Ace ignored it, trying to calm his red face.

Panic settled in their body, noticing Ranboo hadn't replied, and they started to scratch their arms, a terrible nervous habit he has. He was so nervous, he didn't notice the footsteps leading up to the room. The doorknob turned, before Ace could hide their arms, Ranboo walked in. "Ace?" He gulped and tugged down the sleeves weakly, looking at the floor in shame. "Are you okay?" They nodded and looked up to his face, guilt written all over it. Ranboo laid down on the bed, so Lucky laid down as well, laying on Ranboo's stomach. "How does tomorrow sound? The other two won't be streaming or vlogging, just chilling at home. So we can go anywhere." They smiled and traced circles on his chest, after flipping around. "Sounds fun. Um, wanna decorate my arms?" "What?" "Pens!"

Ace had properly introduced themself so Tommy and Tubbo didn't have to keep calling him Lucky. "Oh oh! Do you like our art?" They showed the boys their arms, which were covered in hearts, words, stick men, and dinosaurs. "It's very pog." Tubbo said, while Tommy agreed. "What? Tommy agreeing with Tubbo?!" Ace asked, pretending to be shocked. Ranboo laughed while Ace walked into the kitchen to make some food. "We ordered take out." Tommy called out, surprising them. "Oh, okay!"

During dinner, Ace decided to tell the 'clingy duo' about their plans tomorrow. "So me and Ranboo are going out tomorrow." Tubbo gasped and eyed the two of you suspiciously. "Going out?" "As in a date?" Tommy finished, staring at them, as Ace took a bite of orange chicken. "Yes, a date." Tubbo gasped and stood up, dragging Ace towards his bedroom.

"Do you have clothes?"

"TuBbO DinNer?"

"Ignore that for now! Clothes."

"No, I don't have 'date clothes' but I was just gonna wear a white shirt and wear my hair less fluffy."


"NO IT'S NOT. We used to go on dates all the time!"

"You what."

Tubbo turned towards them with surprise all over his face.

"Yeah, we've known each other since highschool."

"But you both would've just graduated highschool, since Ranboo dropped out."

"Well we didn't go to school often. We both kinda skipped."

"No way, Ranboo ditched school?"

"He even graffitied a wall with me!"

"You're lying."

"Let me guess, you haven't heard much of his 'skater boy' days?"


Ace had gone home that night, instead of sleeping over. Mostly so they could feed their cat and be alone for a bit. They smirked and texted Ranboo.


Hey, how do you feel about
red hair instead of purple?

Hm, sounds like a good idea.
Why red though?

Cause I have red, and red hair is
superior to purple hair. Also the fact
that I already have red hair dye.

Sounds like a plan, do you want to dye
it before or after our date?

I was thinking before the date, so you don't get
recognized by fans while eating? Face reveal is a no <3

Wait that's brilliant.

Thank you mi amor

When he calls you 'my love'

When he knows Spanish 😍

Letters of Adoration [Ranboo x Oc] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now