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"Augh do I ha-"
"YES. YOU NEED TO REPLACE THE BANDAIDS." Tubbo exclaimed as blood seeped through one of them. "Auuuughhhhh buuuut-" "NO." Ace sighed and rolled off the bed, slightly smearing blood on it. "Hydrogen peroxide that and it'll be bloodless." Tubbo nodded and took off the blanket, bringing it into the bathroom as well. Ace grabbed the bandaids, not liking how plain they were. "Oh my Gods Tubbo, do you have neon bandaids?" "Call me Toby off stream, and yeah. Do you want them?" He nodded and ripped one off aggressively, wincing slightly.

[I don't know if Tubbo is comfortable with his real name in ff's, so unless Ace/Lucky/Boo LMASSDIOWH if talking about him, it won't be used.]

By the time Tubbo came back, Ace had ripped every bandaid off and washed all the scratches. Ranboo and Tommy had gone to do some exploring for vlogs, so it left the two alone. "Toby, you aren't actually sad that me and Ranboo went on a date and are clingy, are you?" He scoffed and threw the bandaids at them, who struggled to catch it easily. "No, of course not. It's all a bit, is it not?" Ace frowned at the bandaids and peeled one open, sighing. "For him probably. I suggested the idea because I like him." Tubbo blinked a few times, lagging a bit. "What?" Ace laughed humorlessly as they put on a bright orange one directly above their elbow, then opened a purple. "Yeah." "No, what?" His brain caught up and he gasped. "NO WAY." The purple was set on their hand, which was roughed up. A blue for their knee, yellow, green and pink all went on the opposite arm. "Wow you look kinda cool."

"Only kinda?" He sniffled playfully, slightly moving their hair so Tubbo could slightly see their eyes. "Are they pretty?" They seemed reluctant. Almost like he didn't want to know the answer. "Yeah, they're pretty in a platonic way obviously." A sudden urge to cover their eyes appeared and he covered his eyes again. He felt as though there were hundreds of people watching, all jeering at him. Tubbo noticed the shift and smiled softly, ruffling their hair. "I suddenly forgot you showed me your eyes!" He said as he walked out of the room. "Only when you're ready Ace."

Ace was vibing to their playlist, loudly, singing as he brushed through his hair again. They were purposefully off all social media, those stans are toxic. Of course, the boys did warn him, but they just ignored it. They pushed a piece of gum into their mouth and leaned against the bed, scrolling through pinterest. Saving a couple outfits and fanarts they shut off the phone, just listening to the music now. "C'est la vie.. C'est la vie." After the song ended, they switched to spanish and started mumbling random phrases, knowing no one could hear him. "Lo amo tanto, ¿por qué no puede verlo?" Roaring in the 20's turned on, and they smiled. "A veces me pregunto qué pasó, cuándo perdimos el contacto, por qué no empezamos una relación." Their smile melted to a slight frown and they stared at the floor, no longer feeling the need or want to talk.

[I love him so much, why can't he see it?]

[Sometimes I wonder what happened, when we lost touch, why didn't we start a relationship?]

Ranboo tapped Ace's head, noticing they were asleep. "Wakey wakey." He whispered to the person, who still refused to wake up. "We're gonna vlog, wake up." He said louder this time, Ace barely moved. "Lucky?" His hand brushed across their face, jerking them awake. "Huh?" "Vlog time." Ranboo held up the camera, which was recording. "Ranboo I liter-.. Blur my face." They yawned and stood up, realizing he's gonna have to change. "What time does this vlog start?" "Right now?" "Ranboo I don't have any clothes, I slept here last night." He smirked and tossed the camera on the bed, no longer recording. "I've got some, unless that's not-" "Thanks, throw em over."

By the time the two got downstairs, Tommy had recorded a bunch of just house and walls. "That's not your style?" Tubbo pointed out, noticing how big the clothes were. "That's nuts. Anyways, vlog time?" They all cheered as Ace drove towards the address punched into google maps. "So you bought a trampoline park." Ace asked as he drove towards Gogy's (?) house. "Yup!" Tommy grinned and plugged in his phone to the aux, laughing evilly. 

"God not Roadtrip.." 

Slight Filler, mostly because I didn't want one of the chapters to be 3k words long so I split it up! Sorry <3

Letters of Adoration [Ranboo x Oc] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now