Chapter Ten

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So, it's been about a two weeks since I found Maddie. Today we go to court to find out if my parents can adopt Maddie, too.

It's about eight o'clock and court is at ten. I roll out of bed and walk across the hall into the guest room and smile at my sleeping sister. We've basically kept her captive for the past two weeks from her mom. Anyway, I gently lay next to Maddie and smile as I feel her hug me.

"Good morning, Kenz," I heard Maddie mumbled. "Good morning. How'd you sleep?" I asked. "Pretty good. Is it time to get ready?" She asked. "Yes it is."

I got out of her bed and walked to her door. "Hurry and get ready so we can get some breakfast," I said. She nodded and I walked back to my room.

I took a quick shower then I blow dried my hair. After that I threw on a plain white dress that went down to my knees and then went back into my bathroom. I threw on some makeup and put my hair into a side braid. Then I walked back into Maddie's room to find her not there, so I quickly made my way down stairs.

I found my two sisters, Maddie and Bri, sitting at the table talking while my mom and dad made pancakes and bacon.

"Good morning, Kenz," Bri greeted. "Morning," I replied as I sat down next to Maddie.

"You two look gorgeous," I gushed. I was referring to Maddie's pink dress that had a bow in the back and her curly hair, plus Bri's light blue dress and her straightened hair. They looked good. "thanks, so do you," Maddie smiled. "Yeah, so do you," Bri smiled as well.

"Guys, we have to leave in about fifteen minutes so eat quick," my mom said as she put two pancakes and two pieces of bacon on each of our plates.

"Okay," we all said in unison.

I was just about finished when I received a text.

Good morning, babe.😚

I quickly replied back.

~Good morning.:)~

I shoved my last piece of bacon in my mouth and quickly gulped it down with some water before running up to my room. I threw on a long sleeved Jean jacket and put on some white slip ons before going back down stairs.

"Are you girls ready?" My mom asked as Bri and Maddie came down.

"Yeah," we all said.

We all got into the car and buckled ourselves in. I took out my phone and looked at my message from Logan and replied to him.

~What are you up to on this fine morning?~

~Going to court in a few.~

~Oh. I wish you guys the best. Can we hang out at 1? Text me later. I love you.~

~Thanks. Yeah, pick me up at 1230. Love you too.~

After about fifteen minutes of driving we finally pulled into this court house. We found our way into the room we needed to be in.

"Please, everyone take a seat. I am judge Williams. Austin Williams," a younger man, maybe in his middle twenties, with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes, said from his chair. "Court starts now. Can I have um Mrs. Moreland and Mrs. Ziegler come to the front please?"

We all looked around for Melissa because at the moment she wasn't to be found.

"Um, Mrs. Ziegler? Has anyone seen her?" Judge Williams asked. "Alright, well, she has thirty minutes. Anytime after that I can make a decision without her input on anything. So, Mrs. Moreland. Care to tell me what's the case?"

After taking about ten minutes to explain everything, judge Williams sat there with a disgusting yet surprised facial expression. "May I see Mrs. Ziegler? Madison Ziegler."

I smiled to Maddie as she walked up to the front facing the judge.

"What's life like back home with your mother?" The judge asked.

"Oh, it's terrible. She pulled me out of school and isnt teaching me anything. She pulled me out of dance which made me very depressed. All she does is go out at night and get drunk then sleep all day. And all she does is lie about everything," Maddie admitted.

After about twenty more minutes of talking to Maddie the judge cleared his throat. "Well, Mrs. Ziegler hasn't showed up so I can now make a decision. I'm giving the Moreland's custody over Madison Ziegler," the judge said as the three girls squeaked and hugged each other. "So, just sign a few papers and I'll figure everything else out from there."

My mom nodded and headed over to sign some things.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening," Maddie smiled.

"Same. This is awesome," I squealed as I hugged Maddie tightly.

"Alright girls. Since Maddie is now a Moreland, I think we should take her shopping to get stuff to set up her new room," my dad smiled. "Thank you," Maddie wrapped her arms around our dads waist and squeezed him tight. "No problem, kid. Now let's go!"

We all basically ran to our car and headed to the store. When we got there Maddie, Bri, and I all ran together all over the store. We literally got so much stuff. We had two carts full of pink stuff. We brought all of our gathered stuff to our parents and they chuckled in surprise.

"That's a lot of stuff, girls," mom laughed. "Oh, come on, Alli. Go big or go home," my dad smirked and we all laughed.

"C'mon, girls. Let's go check out," my dad smiled.

After we paid for everything we got back into the car and drove back home. Once we arrived we all grabbed everything out of the car and rushed up to Maddie's room.

We took everything out of the bags and started putting everything everywhere. All of her posters from her favorite bands and dancers and all that stuff covered her white walls, making them not so plain anymore. We made her bed with her new pink bed set, and put down a new white bed side table with a pink lava lamp and a pink alarm clock on it. After about an hour of doing all that, we all three laid down in Maddie's bed. I cuddled up to my older sister and just thought about how lucky I am to have her back in my life.

I glanced at her clock which read 12:13. I squeezed Maddie one last time before getting up. It was time to get ready to hang out with Logan.

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