Chapter Eleven

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"Hey, babe," Logan said as he hugged me.

"Hey, cutie," I replied. "Where do you wanna hang out at?"

"I was thinking ice cream on the boardwalk then some rides?"

"Sure, that sounds fun," I smiled.

He quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me to his car. In about twenty minutes, we arrived at the beach.

Logan threw his arm around my shoulder and I put mine around his side. When we got to the ice cream cart he ordered, one chocolate and one vanilla, then paid as the man handed us our ice cream.

"Thank you," I smiled as I looked up to him.

"Anything for you," he smiled back as he reached down and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Do you want to go play some games, babe?"

"Yeah, sure," I agreed.

We played a few games before landing upon my favorite. I set my dolphin and my puppy that Logan had won me on the counter as we took our seats. We lined up our squirt guns and started shooting the water when the bell went off.

"You're going to lose, Logan. Better give up now," I smirked.

"We'll see, kenz."

"Haha, told you, loser!" Logan laughed as he beat me.

"Ah, you won't be so lucky next time," I promised.

"What would you like, sir?" The man behind the game asked.

"Give me the purple teddy bear please."

"Here you go."

"Thanks. Here you go, Kenzie," he smiled as he handed it to me.

"Oh, thank you, sir." I giggled.

"Oh shush!" He yelled as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Logan, put me down!" I pleaded.


"Where are we going?"

"The Ferris wheel, duh!"

"Oh, aren't you romantic," I laughed.

"You got it, babes."

He soon put me down as we came upon the ticket booth. He bought tickets then grabbed my hand and dragged me to the Ferris wheel.

He put his arm around me as we sat in the cart. After a few times of going around we stopped at the top. I looked up and saw him smiling.

"Why're you smiling? Aren't you going to kiss me?" I asked.

"Now why would I do that?" He laughed.

"Well, it's pretty traditional to kiss the girl at the top of the Ferris wheel."

Before he could say anything, we started going and stopped at the bottom.

Before they let us out I felt Logan grab my face and kiss me. "I'm not traditional," he giggled.

I pushed Logan when we got off.

"Seriously? You kissed me at the bottom of the Ferris wheel?" I laughed.

"You got it, babe."

"You're such a dork," I smiled.

"I'm your dork!"

"I agree."

"Alright, I think it's time to get you home."

"Aww, fine. Let's go." I said as I grabbed his hand.

A New Beginning (Mackenzie Ziegler)Where stories live. Discover now