26. Resign .26

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"Hey, Cam, wait up!"

Camryn turned around to see his friend's approaching form. Jamie had asked to meet with him at the park about an hour ago. "Jamie! Hey, so I had a really good idea for how we can free Andy from Y/n!"

Jamie glanced around nervously. "Uh...Cam? About that..."

Camryn ignored Jamie, his eyes alight with excitement. "So first of all, we need to find a way to make Andy aware of what's going on by showing her this situation from other perspectives! Did you see how vulnerable and cute she was the other day? I think sh--"

"Cam!" Jamie held up his hands. "Cam, I think we might need to reevaluate what's really going on here. Maybe it isn't really what we think it is, and we should...uh, back off and leave it alone."

Camryn stared at his friend with shock. "What? How can you say that?" His eyes widened with betrayal. "Do you not care about Andy at all? She's obviously in a horrible situation! We need to help her!"

Jamie fidgeted awkwardly with his hands. "I actually...talked with Y/n today, y'know..."

"So that's it, then! I can't believe you of all people fell for her lies! It was you who figured out her secret personality to begin with!" Camryn's eyebrows began to furrow.

Jamie immediately was on the defence. "Look, there's no need to raise your voice, Man! After talking with Y/n, I don't even know what to believe anymore! I just want to end this whole thing while we can. This might be dangerous, Cam. I can't explain it, but I just have this creepy feeling in my gut..."

"Shut up! You're supposed to be on my side! Not Y/n's!"

"Exactly, Cam! I am on your side! I'm not on Y/n's side, or Andy's side! Just yours. And as much as you want to believe it, Andy's side doesn't have to be your side! This whole thing isn't gonna end well. You need to understand that!"

Camryn scoffed. "That's what you say, but if you were really my friend, you wouldn't be abandoning me like this." His eyes narrowed at Jamie's stunned expression. "Don't fucking talk to me again." And with that, he whipped around and left his friend behind.

Jamie stared blankly at Camryn's back as it faded into the distance.


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Candyc0unter: Hey Steps! (ノ≧ڡ≦)

Candyc0unter: I noticed that you were online and I wanted to get clarity on something

What's up? :StepOnMeDora

Candyc0unter: You were just joking when you divorced Hero right? ༼T﹏T༽

Sure lol :StepOnMeDora

Candyc0unter: Oh!

Candyc0unter: I'm glad then ٩◔̯◔۶

Candyc0unter: Hero was pretty sad last night you know

Candyc0unter: I just wanted to help him

I mean it's all just joking around at the end of the day :StepOnMeDora

No need to take it to heart or anything :StepOnMeDora

Candyc0unter: Of course of course (人◕ω◕)

Candyc0unter: I'm sure he understands

Candyc0unter: Or he will anyways

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