0.5 The Survey 5.0

1.8K 102 126

Welcome to Find-your-Flock, a chatting application where we help you find your perfect group of friends. To start off, we'll be asking you a series of multiple choice questions so we can place you in your perfect group.


This survey is monitored by a highly intelligent AI who will be scanning your answers and attempting to match you with your perfect friend group. The questions you are asked will be entirely based off of your former answers. Any information that you give us will not be read by anyone other than our AI.

Hello! I'm your friendly matchmaking AI! Would you like to proceed?

Yeah lol

Okay! Please be sure to answer truthfully.


I'm sorry! I didn't understand your answer. Could you repeat that?


Thank you! Onto the first question.


1. What is your gender?

I forgot

2. Would you consider yourself to be a forgetful person?

Fuck thats creepy

3. How do you feel about the thriller genre?


4. Do you find psychopathic behavior attractive?


5. How often would you say that you curse on a daily basis?


6. Are you mentally challenged?

Digitally kys :)

7. Do you have a history of cyber-bullying?

Yes. Right now. You're the cyber bully. I'm the victim.

Resetting questions

8. What is your favorite color?

Whats a color

9. Are you under the age of ten?

No I'm 85 :D

10. Are you a pathological liar?


11. Have any of your answers up to this point been truthful?

I never lie :)

Resetting questions

12. What is your hobby?

Cyber bullying

Resetting questions

13. What is your favorite animal?


14. How much meat is in your daily diet?

Im vegan

Resetting questions

15. What is your opinion on romance?

I'm in love with my pet rock

16. Do you have a rock collection?

Um sure

17. On a scale of 1-10, how mentally stable are you?

So my answer can either be 1 or -10? Haha im so funny

18. Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders?

Why are you so obsessed with my mental state

19. Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders?

Can we please be done now

20. Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders?

This quiz probably gave me one


Thank you for̵̡̬̄͜ ̴̼͍̪͙͖̔y̸̺̲̙͌͌́o̶̧̼͖̦̩̾̽́͠u̵̹̱̅̊͋̈́͠͠r̷̞̝̼̖͑̒̍̐̈́͝ ̴͔͒̀̈́̐̏͂a̴̧̤̤̻̘͂̒̆͠n̸̨̡̛̛̜͕̣̐̓̒͠ͅs̴͔̒̂͂


1. wHaat are̵̡̹͎̩̞̼̎̕ your7 thö̵͎͚̲́̓͑̀ȗ̷͕͕̫͒͌͒̋̈́g̷͚̮̅̍h̸̜͍̥̹̖̀t̴̜̲̯̂̓̑͜[̴͙͊͒͗̚͜@̵̧̜̇̌̍̀3̵̖̃̏̅̎ oN


Resetting questions

1. What is your gender?

Ok I guess were doing it again lol

2. What is your gender?

That question offended me

3. Do you easily get offended?

Yes lol

4. How commonly do you use modern slang?

The mere idea that someone of my class would use such vulgar words is utterly preposterous. I turn my aristocratic nose upwards at your outlandish inquiry.

5. Are you of noble descent?

My dad sucked prince Humperdinck's royal toe one time if that counts (pretty sure im actually their love child and mom has been lying to me)

6. Are you a fan of the movie 'The Princess Bride'?

no that would be inconceivable

Resetting questions

7. What is your favorite color?

Rainbow :))) <3333 sparkle sparkle sparkle

8. Do you enjoy the children's show, 'My Little Pony'?

Yes i love multicolored horses with magical powers woohoo

9. Are you under the age of ten?

I already told you I'm 85

10. You have currently answered twenty-nine questions. Are you ready to calculate?

Yes finally omg


Thank you for your answers, we believe that we have found you a suitable match.


Let's begin.


A/n: OKAY so that concludes the 200k reads special. Yay! Thank you, guys, so much for checking out my story.

I hope you enjoyed, and maybe even laughed a little bit.

Have a great day/night! :D

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