29. Sunshine .29

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You didn't even think.

If you stopped for a single moment, you were sure that you'd fall apart.

By the time the police arrived, you wouldn't be there to meet them.

Yes, you would get in trouble.

Yes, it would make you seem guilty.

But at that moment, you didn't care one bit.

You only cared about finding Andy Seline.

Because you were sure she did it.

She killed your baby sister.


Security didn't stop you on your way in.

They knew by now that it was a death wish.

Andy would very literally have their heads.

Andy jolted when you barged into her room, caught completely unaware. "N/n?"

"Why did you have to drag Tessie into this?" Your whole body shook, your legs most of all.

"Are you talking about Tessa?" Andy seemed to be genuinely confused.

"You know who I'm fucking talking about, Andy!" You couldn't recognize your voice. It was weak, cracked and utterly destroyed.

Andy crept forward hesitantly; eyebrows furrowed. "Y/n, calm down and tell me what happened." She ordered.

"I left for a couple hours and...and Tessie was..." You broke down then and there, sliding down to your knees, your whole body wracked with violent sobs. You no longer had it in you to care if you showed vulnerability when it felt like every cell in your body was mourning the loss of your little sister.

"What happened to Tessa?" Andy's face was unreadable.

"She's dead!"

Andy froze. "Tessa is dead, and you think I...killed her? Is that it, Y/n?"

Your only response was to curl up in a ball and shake harder.

"I see."

You felt a warm hand come to rest on your back, but you thrashed around to dislocate it. "Don't touch me! Don't fucking touch me!"

Andy sighed and stepped out of the room to call someone.

Before you knew it, you were being lifted by strong arms, despite your attempts to escape, and placed on Andy's bed. You couldn't see anything clearly; the whole room seemed to tremble and change colors each second.

"Sedate her."

You began screaming at that, demanding that she leave you alone. You wanted to be alone. You needed to be alone.

But you felt a pinprick in your arm, so faint that you almost didn't notice it, and found yourself beginning to black out.

The last person you heard before losing consciousness was Andy.

"Arrange a private investigation team immediately."


Day 16 - Saturday


"Ms. L/n?"

You glanced up as one of the investigators, Callix, entered the room that you'd been trapped in for almost a week (Andy thought you were a 'danger to yourself', or something along the lines of that, so you weren't allowed to leave). "Hi."

Callix briefly raised a brow, before looking down at his clipboard. "We have arrived at the beginnings of a conclusion on the murder of Tessa L/n."

You felt your emotions begin to bubble up, but you kept a firm hold on them as you smiled blankly at Callix. "Yeah?"

The older man coughed uncomfortably into his hand. "Yes, you see, we believe that a serial killer that has been active in these parts lately may be responsible for the incident."


"Well, not much is known on them, but the public has begun to refer to this person as 'Lone Survivor' because they tend to select a family and kill all but one person in said family."

Your breathing began to speed up. "Why do you...think that's the person who killed Tessa?"

Callix sighed. "There's a chance that we're wrong, and nothing happened, but your mother is currently classified as a missing woman." He looked you straight in the eyes.

"She hasn't been seen or heard from since the night of your sister's death."


Heroiknight: this is starting to get ridiculous

Heroiknight: WHERE IS STEPS


Cantalo0ps: She's safe. That's all that you need to know.

Candyc0unter: Loops... (☍﹏⁰)。

Jordan.Anders: I would also like to know why it is she has been absent.

Cantalo0ps: She's going through some shit.

Cantalo0ps: She'll be back at some point.

Cantalo0ps: And if she isn't, well...

Cantalo0ps: You know.

YouKillMyFather: It isn't even a big fucking deal

YouKillMyFather: She's only been gone for one week give or take

Heroiknight: "one week give or take" too long :(((((

Vancey123: Lol

Heroiknight: its been so long since you said something Vancey! :0

'Vancey123' has logged off

'beans_lol' has logged on

beans_lol: you guys are particularly dreary this morning lmao

Heroiknight: quiet you

beans_lol: no

YouKillMyFather: Can we talk about how Kole logged on 2 hours ago and hasn't spoken once?

'Kole17' has logged off

YouKillMyFather: Guess not

Heroiknight: ahem






'YouKillMyFather' has logged off

'Jordan.Anders' has logged off

'Cantalo0ps' has logged off

'beans_lol' has logged off

'Candyc0unter' has logged off

Heroiknight: Even Candy? :(((((

'Heroiknight' has logged off

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