48. Found You .48

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Day 34 - Monday

One day until the flight.

The day started normally.

Okay, so maybe not completely normally. You had been up until six in the morning watching Caillou because... well, no reason... the night before, which had resulted in your sleeping in until freaking noon.

And then you were absolutely giddy (and absolutely terrified) when you realized that you only had to fall asleep one more time before your flight would be leaving and you could get out of here (hopefully forever) and never have to see Andy again.

Did that constitute normal? I mean, by your standards, maybe? What the fuck was normal?

You were getting off-topic.


Things took a bit of a turn, however, when a man showed up at your room and told you that you'd been sent... mail.

You stared at him in confusion for a moment, before asking who exactly this mail was from,

"I'm not sure, ma'am. I was just told to deliver it here. To a Ms. Adelaide Jacobson. Is that you?" Is what he said.

You were tempted to deny the fake name, but you had to admit that you were curious. Plus, if whoever had sent it to you was a threat, it would probably be better to hear what they had to say.

You accepted it and the man left.

The mail was a torn piece of paper in an envelope.

The paper read 'Found you N/n :)'.

And this brings us to the part of the story where you lost all semblance of rationality.


You needed out of here.

You needed to grab your shit and drive somewhere else.

It didn't matter where. It just had to be away.

You'd sleep in your car... in the woods if you had to.

But wait... what if she'd bugged the truck you were using?

Maybe you could break into someone's car?

No. You wouldn't know how to start it.

You could ask to borrow a car?

Then never give it back?

But who would let a stranger use their car?

No one would.

No one.

You were so alone in this.

So utterly fucking alone.

Okay, okay,

It's okay.

You could...

You could just run.

You could just run and run and run.

How could they catch you if you never stopped running?

She was probably camped outside by now.

She and all those people... she was... working with?

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