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"It was the freak."


athena refused to go with jason on his freak hunt. but, she did trash her room in an angry and sad and guilty hour. the wallpaper was no longer a pretty pink, but a bloody red with old paint.

her bed was no longer made, instead flipped with its legs up, the closet undone with clothes on the floor, her mötley crüe vinyl thrown out the window along with her player and electric guitars.

athena's heart bumped wildly with the news freshly repeating in her mind: chrissy was with eddie in his trailer when he killed her.

but, eddie isn't a killer; athena knew he was the kindest gentleman out there, better than perv jason. but, why? why was he with chrissy at his home? he promised her no girls, chrissy told her no drugs.

she felt so betrayed, and so confused, and so guilty.

"god, why is my life a shit show right now," athena laughed sarcastically at herself as she got changed with some clothes she hadn't wore since middle school.

with light washed jeans, a black belt, and a black metallica t shirt, athena got her keys and got into her car, driving anywhere that wasn't home. she wasn't going to spend all day crying for chrissy, she was going to find eddie and confront him about this.

driving to the trailer park, she noticed all the cop cars and yellow tape around her boyfriend's trailer. rolling her eyes, she was about to back away when she saw eddie's uncle, wayne munson.

"wayne," athena stepped out of her car and walked to the rickety bench the older man sat on while smoking a cig.

wayne glanced over at athena with sad eyes: "my nephew is not capable of this, i know him."

"i know wayne," athena sighed as she stood a little straighter, determined. "i'm going to find him. it isn't his strong suit. he's a scaredy cat when it comes to horror," athena gave a small smile as wayne chuckled sadly.

"i trust you girlie. bring him home, please," athena saluted wayne before getting in her car and driving to where she thinks she might have a chance of finding eddie.

she pushed the doors open, ignoring the "closed" sign branded behind the door's windows. all eyes fell on her as her converse padded the floor silently.

"holy shit," steve whispered quite loudly as he watched athena lean against the counter.

"robin, you wouldn't happen to know where eddie is at, would you?" athena looked past steve who was in dumbfound shock at the drastic change of outfits.

robin eyed the girl mischievously: "holy shit morrissey! what's up with the change! i like it." athena thanked her with a small smile before rounding the counter and joining robin and steve behind it.

"i need to find eddie. please, any information." athena was desperately looking into robin's eyes.

the tv suddenly showed the crime scene, calling it the murder of the year due to its horrific state. athena watched intently, the words making her envision the worst but nothing close to the truth.

suddenly the bell rung to the entrance yet again, making all three turn to the door and watch as a young boy and girl hurried inside.

"steve!" the boy was desperate.

"you guys see this?" steve points with his thumb at the kid and the girl, ignoring the question.

"how many phones do you have?" the boy insisted.

"someone was murdered," steve blatantly responds without enthusiasm.

"how many phones do you have?" the boy persisted yet again.

"two. why?"

robin added: "technically three, if you count keith's in the back."

"two works," athena heard escape from the kids' mouths before they threw a back pack over the counter and slide into the space the adults were in.

"holy shit!" athena chuckled lightly as the kids invaded the space.

"I need to set up base of operations." the kid typed away at the computer as steve angrily tried to peel the kid off. "i need to find eddie's friend's phone numbers."

athena froze at the name, her hopes returning color to her cheeks.

"oh? eddie? you mean your super cool older friend who plays that nerdy game with you?" steve taunted the kid.

"kid," athena excitedly rushed to the kid's side, slightly shoving steve out of the way. "you know eddie? who are you? dustin or mike?"

eddie always spoke of the new freshmen that joined the club since the beginning of the year. he had a kinship for the boys since they reminded eddie of a younger him.

the boy raised an eyebrow skeptically: "i'm dustin. how do you, a popular cheerleader, know my name?"

athena nibbled on her lips; it was all crashing down, might as well say the truth.

"i'm.....i'm eddie's girlfriend." as soon as athena let the truth out, everyone gasped and the room changed.

steve shouted out a 'WHAT' while robin clapped her hands and laughed hysterically. dustin was surprised like the girl behind him.

"Eddie, the eddie, the freak munson, has a girlfriend?" dustin asked with high hopes and athena nodded.

"yes. we didn't say anything because...obviously, we would stand out and he didn't want to 'ruin' my last year as a cheerleader." athena sadly smiled as everyone tried to process the information.

"but, thats for later guys," athena huffed as she urged dustin to continue, "we need to find eddie. he couldn't have done this."

steve and robin held back, whispering about how athena and the others knew about the murder and the theory about eddie being the perpetuator.

"you two, fill them in please. i'm trying to figure this out," dustin sighed exasperated as he signaled to athena and max.

"max," the girl introduced herself to the cheerleader. "i'm sorry about chrissy."

athena smiled at the younger girl, "athena. thank you. i'm sorry about billy."

it was awkward until steve, who was bothered about the kids invading and athena being taken, spoke up:

"fill us in on what guys?"


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