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My head spins from the alcohol. y/n sits up on the counter in front of me, trying to grab the pasta from behind the toaster. They turn to face me as they crack the pasta; a big grin lights up their face.

They turn too fast to grab another piece, and they start to slip off the counter. My hand instinctively goes to their waist, catching them.

y/n smiles again. "I feel safe," they whisper.

My chest lightens. "I feel safe, too."

"And I'm drunk," they add, a slight slur in their words for emphasis, "I never feel safe. Not since Maggie."

"I'm drunk, too." My head seems to spin right as I say it, too. "We're drunk together."

"Together," y/n whispers before going back to cracking pasta.

After a while, the pasta begins to run out. y/n sighs after so many pieces of pasta. They turn their head to me; their face so close our noses could touch if I leaned over a centimeter more.

"I like that," y/n says quietly, "Together."

I'm not sure if they're referencing an earlier conversation or not. I can't really remember too well, but I have a feeling they are. I just nod once.

y/n meets my eyes. "What do you think?"

I nod one more time and swallow. "Yes."

"It wasn't a yes or no question." They giggle. I don't think I've ever heard y/n giggle, but I want to hear it again.

I take my hand that's still supporting them from the waist and tickle it slightly. They burst out in a giggle.

"Stop," they say, their voice breathy. They put their hands on my shoulders as they meet my eyes.

Slowly, they wrap their arms around my neck and pull me closer. We're so close now that we're sharing our air. Our lips are what's close now.

"Kiss me," they whisper.

And then I do.

I close the gap as quickly as they said it. Our lips come together in a sloppy kiss.

It feels as if we're in a haze of just the two of us. Almost as if nobody in the entire world exists except for us. Everything else fades away.

Even though I'm pretty sure I just heard Sapnap throw up down the hall and George snoring on the couch. All my mind focuses on is y/n's hand curling into my hair.

y/n wraps one of their legs around my waist as I pull them closer. We stay in this kiss for a long time. I would let it last forever if I could, but that's not in my power.

y/n pulls away with a smile. "That was fun."

That was very fun. I would do it again in a heartbeat, but not like this. Not in this drunken haze where we might not remember in the morning. We'll talk in the morning about what it means, then we'll take it from there.

"I have to sleep," y/n says softly.

"Okay, let's get you to the guest room."

_ _ _

The last thing I expected was to find a functioning person in the house this morning.

The light, hazy feeling of last night has worn off, and I am left with a heavy feeling everywhere.

"What are you doing in my kitchen?" I ask, wondering why they don't seem to feel as god-awful as I do right now.

They laugh softly. "Making pancakes."

I squint up at them, wondering if hangovers just don't exist for them. "Why are you doing it so early in the morning?"

"First of all, it's noon." y/n shakes their head as they flip a pancake over. "And second of all, Saturday mornings are basically made for pancakes."

I glance at the food and my stomach tumbles. "I don't think I could eat pancakes right now."

They start to make a plate. I notice the toaster; the same one that had pasta in it last night. I tried to clean it up, but my drunken self must've missed three pieces.

It takes a second for it to settle in. The toaster. The pasta cracking... The kiss.

y/n snaps me out of my haze as they put the plate in my hands. "The bread will soak up the alcohol."

I grunt at the food in front of me, then hope I don't throw up.. "Can I at least have the butter?"

I'm sitting in a barstool now. I watch their actions; everything seems normal. They're not freaking out about the kiss, and I know y/n, they would be freaking out.

They shake their head. "Nope, grease will make it worse."

My mind begins to wander. What if they don't remember? What if it was just a drunken moment to them. I don't want to be the asshole who expects them to remember everything.

What do I do if they don't remember? I could pretend it didn't happen that time so our first kiss won't be something remembered by only one of us. Not that I want us to be a thing. That would be too complicated.

I take a deep breath, making a decision in my mind. If they don't remember to bring it up, then I'll pretend it never happened.

Besides, if it was destined to happen once, then it's very likely to happen again. I remind myself.

y/n meets my eyes for a second, no recognition across their face. "Geez, take a picture, it'll last longer."

I blink a couple times as my heart sinks. I take a bite before deciding I wasn't going to go down without a fight. "Yesterday was fun," I say with a mouthful, studying their face. They just nod with no real commitment. My brain starts to freak out, so I change the subject quickly. "You and George seemed to start getting along."

They roll their eyes, but I can see a smile behind it. "We'll see how that goes sober."

"I'm sure you'll be better by now," I say.

All the sudden I'm more worried about George and y/n getting along. I don't want to complicate that, so I really will back off.

It was just a drunken mistake. No need to bring it up. Ever.


to clear up any confusion, y/n does not remember anything that happened. please don't go saying they're an idiot for not knowing because they literally do not remember. it's for the plot, trust me it'll be real good.

have an amazing day :))

saturday mornings are for pancakes // a dream x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now