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I was sitting on the couch, ready to watch a movie when Gemma rushed out of her room with a suitcase. I sat up quickly to see what was going on. "Is everything okay? Where are you going?"

"Eva and I are going to Vienna!" she exclaimed excitedly, "Eva wants to try different coffees and cafe type things." She waved it off. "I don't care. I'm going to Austria!"

My jaw dropped. "Austria? Like the country?"

"Yeah.." Gemma gave me a look. "Where else would I go to Vienna?"

"With Eva?" I clarified.

"Yes, idiot." She laughed as she checked her phone. "Speaking of the devil. She's here to pick me up."

Gemma started to walk towards the door, but she stopped when he hand was on the handle. I thought she was going to cancel the trip and stay home, but instead she smiled. "I'll see you in a week or so," she says, "Be safe. And don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Then she walked out the door.

Now I'm still sitting on the couch, and Gemma is in an airport headed towards Vienna, Austria.

I don't know why I don't feel worried for her; traveling without a plan isn't always safe. I don't know why I don't feel happy that she's traveling with her girlfriend. I don't know why I don't smile at the thought of having the apartment to myself.

Instead, I feel jealous. I feel conflicted.

I remember a time when Maggie and I used to sit on Pinterest and plan our trips that we were going to take. We promised we would travel together no matter who we were dating at the time. We were going to stick with each other no matter what.

Now I'm sitting by myself and the farthest I've traveled is three towns over to the beach. It's ridiculous. It feels like failure.

I sigh, setting my head back on the couch. I can't even think of somewhere to visit right now. No where that wouldn't feel like a betrayal to Maggie.

My phone rings. I almost think it's Gemma forgetting her passport, but instead I notice it's Nick.


"Hey, what's up?" Nick says.

"Nothing much." I sit up straight on the couch. "Gemma decided to go to Vienna for a bit."

"Like Austria?"

I laugh at how I asked the same thing. "Yeah."

"Do you want me to come over?" he asks, hopeful. "We never get to see your place."

"What's wrong?" I ask. He's right, they never come over to my tiny apartment.

"You should be happy. I'm saving you gas."

I try not to notice the difference in his voice because I also don't really feel like being alone right now. All I can think of is Maggie right now, and I don't want to think about that right now.

"Alright, come on over then."

Nick appears at my door about thirty minutes later. He's leaning on the frame when I open it. Two bottles of tequila in hand; one appearing to have already been partially drunk.

"Did you drive here?" I ask, the panic in my voice very obvious.

"No, I got a cab," he says slowly, "Don't worry about me, y/n."

I let him in the apartment, already worried, but I think he's on the right track. I did say I didn't want to think right now. I'm safe to drink in my own apartment.

"Got shot glasses?" he asks, rummaging through my kitchen.

I follow him into the kitchen and get the glasses down. He takes off his jacket and fans his face.

saturday mornings are for pancakes // a dream x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now