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It's been a week since the boys asked me to move in, and then had to convince me it was a good idea every couple of days since then. But I'm committed now. At least I'd hope so since all my stuff is stacked in boxes in their spare room downstairs right now.

In the same hallway that I once considered all so long ago, I've settled into a new place to consider my home. Clay's only down the hall in his own room. We'll be sharing a bathroom now.

The first thing he did when I showed up with all my boxes was shuffle me into the bathroom we'd be now sharing. He told me it wasn't home until my toothbrush was in its holder. I set my own toothbrush next to his, and he smiled his cheesy grin before his face when serious.

"y/n," he said, "we need to discuss a shit schedule."

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Pooping." He gestured to the toilet. "We need to make sure we don't accidentally walk into each other's stink clouds."

"Oh my god, Clay." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not discussing this with you."

"It's a serious issue," he insisted.

"Well George and Sapnap share a bathroom," I pointed out, "Do they have a schedule?"

Then, Clay shuffled all four of us into the tiny bathroom and asked the others about their pooping habits. George made a face, but Nick nodded that they did.

"At least I know not to go in there exactly thirty-one minutes after George wakes up," he explained, "I did that once and"- he waves a hand in front of his nose- "whew, never again."

George's jaw drops. "Sapnap."

"George, it's your shit."

George very un-casually changed the subject after that.

Each of the guys helped me move in varying degrees. Clay and Nick helped unload all the boxes from the two cars it took to transport everything. Clay blew up an air mattress that I'll be sleeping on until I get the chance to buy an actual mattress. George then sat on said air mattress and told me where he thought things would go.

Clay was in and out for most of the day. He would help for a little bit, then retreat to his room for a bit before resurfacing an hour later. I don't blame him though, it's my move in, and I'm exhausted.

George fell asleep on the air mattress for a while, then he went upstairs to finish his nap when Nick and I were too loud.

Nick's the only one who's been here the whole day. He picked up boxes and hung up posters whenever he asked. He didn't complain once and even made suggestions the whole time. In fact, I was the one who had to say we should take a break until tomorrow.

Now we're sitting on the couch, and Nick is still in move-in mode. He keeps searching new shelves, new lamps and new desks he thinks would look good in 'the space'. He keeps referring it to 'the space' as if he's an interior designer. Everytime he uses it, I have to hold back a laugh.

"Okay at least go shopping tomorrow for a new mattress," he says finally after he realizes I wasn't in the home decor shopping mood.

"The air mattress was actually quite comfortable," George comments. He's sitting on a chair in the living room while Nick and I are sitting on the couch. Clay's disappeared into his room again. I'm pretty sure he's sleeping right now.

I've been secretly hoping he'd come out of his room all day. Every time he's around I can feel myself getting more excited, more energetic. It's like I've unlocked these new feelings, and I can't control them just yet.

"You deflated it with that nap too." Nick scoffs. "And you're going to be the one to fill it with air again."

"What's that supposed to mean?" George asks sarcastically.

"I'm saying you deflated the air mattress while sleeping on it." Nick rolls his eyes. "That's how they work."

"You were insinuating that it was because I was on it that it was deflating."

"That's now what I said at all." Nick shakes his head. "Maybe I should now though since you're being an asshole."

"I am not being an asshole-" George stops mid-sentence as he glances behind Nick and I. He makes eye contact with me for a brief second. I doubt myself that it was worry spread in his eyes.

Nick swings his head around to see what caught George's attention. He whistles a second after. "Where are you going?"

I turn to see Clay in a dark green button up and slacks. My heartbeat quickens for a second. I don't think I've ever seen him dressed up before.

"Where are you going?" George asks.

Clay raises his chin a little higher. "I have a date."

Nick's face contorts. "But-"

"With who?" George asks.

"Natalie," Clay says simply while he grabs his wallet from the table by the door.

"Natalie?" George thinks hard for a second.

Nick's jaw drops. "Natalie, like your childhood best friend? That Natalie?"

Clay chuckles. "That's the only one."

"I thought she moved to Montana or something." Nick thinks hard for a second.

"Where's Montana?" George turns to ask me quietly.

I point my finger up and to the left as if that would make sense to him without a United States map. The movement catches Clay's attention, like I was hidden between the couch cushions before this. His eyes flash to me, but they stay dark. I can't read the expressions in them; I can't understand what's going on right now. I choose to stay quiet.

"When did you get back into contact with her?" Nick asks again.

"When I went to check on my parents house. We talked for a while, and we talked the whole time I was sick." Clay slides the wallet into his back pocket.

My heart drops to the floor. My mind races at what this all means.

"When will you be home?" George asks.

Clay rolls his eyes. "I don't know yet, Mom."

"Shut up." George reaches for a blanket in the basket next to him. "I'm making sure you're safe."

"Natalie is safe," Clay reassures, "She's really nice."

"Maybe," was all George said. Nick just sits there for a second.

"Well, I'm going to go now, then." Clay points to the door before walking out, leaving the house in a quiet state.

I feel heavy. I just realized I want to be more with Clay. Granted, it was almost a month too late, but still, I thought he was waiting for my move. I was ready to make one.

Now I'm sitting on the couch with all these feelings, and I just learned I was too late.


is natalie the new rachel.. if you know, you know ;)

have an amazing day <3

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