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I had to get out of the house today. It's not that things are awkward between Clay and I, but it's that things are probably going to be awkward when we do talk.

I didn't see him this morning, and I hate to say that I was relieved. Sharing a kitchen, hall and bathroom with someone usually means you'll see them a lot. And seeing someone right after they said they can't be with you is hard.

I think my subconscious expected things to not work out; like he was going too fast after everything that happened. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, but it's also just a numbing feeling inside my chest.

I chose to go to a coffee shop to ignore my problems. I stepped inside, and the air conditioning felt nice against my skin. Even in November, I can wear a light cardigan and jeans to the store. There aren't many places that I can do that in.

I get in line, scanning the menu before ordering. I'm standing and waiting for my drink by the counter when I finally recognize the person next to me.

"Hey stranger," I say to the man next to me.

Ben glances up from his phone to meet my eyes. A smile plays at the corners of his lips when he recognizes me.

"Hello to you, too," he says, "What are you doing here?"

Ignoring my problems, I say in my head.

"Just needed to get a coffee," I say out loud instead.

Two coffees are placed on the counter, and both our names are called. "What a coincidence." Ben smiles again as he picks up his cup. "Do you have time to sit and catch up?"

I return the smiles. "I would love that."

We choose a little table in the corner of the store, sitting across from each other. We each take a sip of our drinks and set them in front of us. "So how's the-" he says right as I say "What have y-"

He laughs and shakes his head. "You first."

"Oh, I was going to ask what you've been up to?" I ask, "Besides lawyering of course."

"Not too much has been going on." He thinks for a second. "Mom needed me to come home to take care of some family business."

My brows furrowing. "Do you live here still, or are you somewhere else now?"

"I'm actually living in New York, actually." He chuckles. "It's funny that you've caught me the two times I've come back to visit."

I almost spit out my drink. "New York? How'd you find yourself there?"

"I wanted to go somewhere besides here." He shrugs. "I applied to a bunch of different law firms and said I would go to the first one I got into. It ended up being New York."

"Oh my god," I say, "Ben Thatcher is living in New York."

"Don't sound too surprised." He rolls his eyes.

"Don't deny it, you hated New York growing up," I remind him, "You told Maggie and I we were crazy for wanting to go there."

"People can change y/n."

"You said we'd get mugged."

He shrugs. "And I still believe that, but New York isn't bad at all."

I lean forward, wanting to hear about his life. "Tell me about it."

"I don't know where to start." He thinks for a millisecond before something comes to mind. "The subway is the best thing. You see so many different people that you would never get the chance to meet."

saturday mornings are for pancakes // a dream x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now