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I look in the mirror for the millionth time, realizing I haven't been on a date in so long. I tug at the edge of my shirt in hopes that it'll magically fit perfectly.

I glance around my room to find something to help. My eyes land on the piece of paper from last night. The one with Magnolia's number on it. I shake my head and grab it. In two weeks I'll officially tell her I'm not taking the job, but for now I shove it into my top desk drawer.

I look back into the mirror. Maybe I need a different mirror.

The bathroom door is open. I peek in to see Clay hanging up to the phone. He sighs, holding his head in his hands.

"Hey," I say as I walk in with a knock.

He glances up only to stop and look again. His jaw slacks while he tries to think of something. "Hey," is what he says in one breath.

"Hi," I repeat, "Whatcha doing?"

He watches as I check my hair once more in the mirror, hoping it's not scraggly like it is when I first wake up.

"Um, I was getting ready." He clears his throat. "Where are you going?"

I furrow my brows and look at him again. "A date? We talked about this yesterday."

"Oh." He fidgets with his hands. "With who?"

I smile, realizing he wasn't paying attention last night. I decide to mess with him. "Oh you know, Nick and I thought we'd give it another shot."

Now it's his turn to have the confused look. "What? No you wouldn't."

I sigh. "Well, I wanted George to come hang out with me because all the fighting really just gets to me." I turn to him, realizing he's closer than I had originally thought. I swallow once. "You know what I mean?"

My voice came out more unsure on the last sentence, and he smiles at that. "You're messing with me?"

I laugh nervously. "No?"

He smiles, and I swear he's leaned closer in the past ten seconds. "Yes you are."

I shake my head. "Promise. Nick and I are going to... get it on."

Clay laughs and takes a step back. "That's actually disgusting, y/n."

I smile and also step back. Checking the mirror quickly confirms the flush of my cheeks.

"Who's it really with?" Clay asks, nudging my side.

"Um, his name is Ben," I say, "He's Maggie's older brother."

"Maggie as in.." he hesitates to say it.

"Yeah, that's the one," I answer for him.

He nods, leaning in again. "Well, I hope you two have fun." He straightens his back and walks past me out the bathroom door.

I watch him leave, not even noticing my jaw had dropped in the span of that conversation. I look in the mirror once again. Not only am I nervous about my date now, I'm also nervous at whatever just happened with Clay.

I check the time. I'm not sure where Ben is staying, or if he even still lives in our hometown. I make a mental note to ask tonight.

I walk back into my room to make sure there's nothing I'm forgetting, also noticing I'm ready a little earlier than I planned.

I walk into the kitchen, seeing Clay again. I pause before he can see me.

He's gripping both hands on the counter like it's going to run away any second now. His head hangs low although I can't see his facial expressions. He picks up a glass and takes a sip of a dark liquid.

saturday mornings are for pancakes // a dream x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now