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I've been standing in my apartment doorway for the past five minutes, unsure what to do.

Ben and I talked on the way to my apartment, and we agreed that our futures were going in different directions. He wished me luck in my career, and I told him to enjoy his travels. It was a proper goodbye.

But what do I do now?

I can't stay here in New York, but I don't want to just go to Florida. I need to be home right now.

I wish Clay was here; he would know what to do. He would shake his head and smile, saying he knew it all along. Then he would give me a tight hug, saying it would be okay.

I can see my reflection in the mirror, and I let out a sigh. I am okay, though. I feel more than okay.

The only thing I honestly feel is stupid because all of this should've happened a week ago when Clay was here in New York.

I miss him so much, and I don't think it's in the same way I miss Nick and George. It's something more, something deeper. I miss him in a way that I don't ever want to lose him again.

I remember something from a while ago, and I grab my laptop and phone. I pull up the next flights, and I press call on my phone.

"What's up?" Nick says when he answers.

"Hey, is it too last minute to redeem my Christmas present?" I ask, scrolling through the different plane ticket options.

"Of course not." Nick shuffles on the other side of the screen. "Why? When are you coming to visit?"

"Um." I find one leaving in two and a half hours. If I hurry, I can just make it. "Actually, I have another question."


"What are you doing in a little over five hours?" I ask, already clicking the button to book the flight.

"I don't know, that's like one in the morning." Nick huffs.

"Well, if you have nothing planned–" I select the last seat on the plane "–could you come pick me up from the airport?"

"What?" Excitement lines Nick's voice. "You're coming home?"

I laugh. "Yeah, I thought it was about time I came home."

"Oh my god." Nick laughs out of disbelief now. "George and I will be there, okay? We'll be there early too. We're– Oh my god, you're coming home."

I'm grabbing a backpack off of a hook. I know I'll have to move out of this apartment, but I save that worry for a later day.

"Just don't invite Clay, okay?" I grab my charger to put into my bag.

"What? Why not?" I can imagine Nick's brows furrowing as he lets it process. "Oh, oh."

I throw in my toothbrush and toothpaste, followed by some chapstick. I take anything of semi-importance, and I shove it in my backpack.

"Oh my god, you're going to admit your undying love for him," Nick says in one breath.

I roll my eyes. I don't know if I would put it that strongly, but I do know I miss him, and I want to see him. I want to see if there's still a chance to try one last time.

"Sure, something like that."

Nick lets out something that's a mix between a squeal and a 'let's go' at the same time. "George and I will be there, don't you worry. Well, not there, but we're going to be there for you, you know, to pick you up."

"Yeah, I got you Nick." I sigh, realizing I finished all the packing I can do. It's time to go to the airport. "I'll see you soon?"

"Oh my god, I should clean the house." Nick's not even paying attention. "I'll see you soon, yeah. Bye."

saturday mornings are for pancakes // a dream x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now