Chapter 38...

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Last week, I laid out the challenge to Nikki. And that challenge was that I get a shot at the Diva's championship. However, it wasn't going to come that easily. You see, if I want to get a Diva's championship opportunity, I'm gonna have to fight Brie Bella tonight. And if I win, then I will move onto a battle royal next week on Raw. And by then, if I win the battle royal, THEN I will be able to get a Diva's championship opportunity at Fastlane. 

Now that is all fine and all, but we have other matters on our hands. First, the situation regarding my brother and the main event of Wrestlemania. My brother rightfully won the Royal Rumble, and has earned the right to main event Wrestlemania. (But according to the Authority, The Rock had no right coming back and helping my brother win, even though it was perfectly fine for Kane and Big Show to come back in even though they were eliminated. Yeah, that's best for business.) However, Daniel Bryan came out, and he wants to Main Event Wrestlemania just to prove the Authority wrong, and that he can do the impossible one more time. But, Roman stood his ground, and he basically told Daniel no. But, the Authority came up with this idea, that instead of making it a triple threat match for Mania, Roman and Daniel will have to fight for the opportunity at Fastlane. I think that is fair, even though Bryan should just mind his business and take his loss at the Rumble like a man.

Second, Dean will be getting his first Intercontinental championship opportunity at Fastlane as well. And the way Dean got this match was because Dean being Dean, he kept agitating Barrett. For the last couple of weeks, Barrett would have a match on Raw or Smackdown, and Dean would be at ringside watching. Then after the match, Dean would go after Barrett. Getting closer to Fastlane, Dean tried to make Barrett sign a contract to make the match at Fastlane official, but he wouldn't sign. Of course, Barrett would his revenge by attacking Dean when he wasn't looking. The funniest part was Barrett had a match. After the match, Dean came out and tied Barrett to the ring post, and forced Barrett to sign the contract. The match had become official, and Dean will get a title opportunity at Fastlane.

And finally, my cousins. They have been feuding with Tyson Kidd and Cesaro ever since February. And their feud intensified when Natalya and Naomi got involved. So at Fastlane, it will be a six person mixed tag team match. I'll say this, I have never seen a heated cat-fight like I have seen with Natalya and Naomi.

And finally, my girl Malia Orton. Malia wants to get her hands on a certain female, so the rumor on the street is that Malia is going to call out that said female, and challenge her to a match at Wrestlemania. who is it? I'm not so sure. She won't tell me.

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"Please welcome my guests at this time, Lelani Reigns and Malia Orton."- Renee

I walked into the camera's view with Malia trailing behind me.

"Ladies, tonight you have a chance to right some wrongs. For instance, Lelani you will be fighting Brie, and if you win, you get to participate in next week's battle royal, while Malia, you are going to be calling out someone, and challenging them to a match, care to expand on what you two are doing tonight?"- Renee

"Well, I plan on beating Brie, walking into the battle royal, winning said battle royal, and go to Fastlane to beat Nikki Bella and become a two time Diva's champion. Because, let's be honest. Nikki's reign needs to end."- Lelani

"And as for me, well, your just going to have to wait and see who I call out."- Malia

"Believe that."- Lelani

We walked away with smiles on our faces.

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