Chapter 39...

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To move things along, I will skip Fastlane, and get to a couple of weeks before Wrestlemania. But I will explain what went down.

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We are a couple of weeks away from Wrestlemania, and things have gotten crazy. At Mania, there will be a ladder match for the IC championship, and the Uso's will be defending their championships in the kick-off. But the best part of it all is Randy and Malia. Ever since I returned, the Authority have had it out for me, and my friends. If it's not the Authority targeting me, Roman, or Dean, they target Randy and Malia. 

At Fastlane, Malia came out to the ring, and called Stephanie out. When Stephanie came out to the ring, they had an exchange of words. Let me tell you. They did not hold anything back. So it's official. At Wrestlemania, Malia and Stephanie will step into the ring, and settle their differences.

Dean sadly lost the match, and was unable to win the Intercontinental championship. And the whole reasoning behind why Dean lost was because of one man. Seth Rollins. He came in when the ref was distracted, and blindsided Dean. After that, it was downhill for Dean. But he didn't go down without a fight. After Barrett won the match, Dean went lunatic on him. At that time, Seth had come back to finish what he started, but Randy ran out, and attacked Seth. Together, Dean and Randy fended off Barrett and Seth, and both men ran away. Something tells me that there will be more to this story later on.

Along with all that chaos, Roman and Bryan fought in the main event. Roman ended up winning, and kept his spot in the main event of Mania. 

I ended up losing at Fastlane. And much like Dean's match, I lost because someone interfered. And that someone was Naomi. She interfered when the ref wasn't looking, and because of that, Nikki was able to retain. I was livid. So, I planned to get some revenge. However, that went down-hill quick, because the number game was just too much. A week ago, I had a match with the Bella's at commentary. Afterwards, the Bella's attacked me. 

Brie held me back, and Nikki was about to hit me. But as she raised her fist, Aj Lee came running down the ramp. She ran in, and attacked both Bella's, then helped me up. I looked at her in shock, but she just jumped onto me, and hugged me. Needless to say, I was confused. Her and I haven't really gotten along since I beat her for the Diva's championship.

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This week, I have a match against Brie, while Aj will have a match against Nikki Bella. Ever since the attack from last week, Aj has been following me everywhere I go. I'm not mad about it, it's nice to have someone watch your back. I guess I just wasn't expecting Aj to follow me around after I took the Diva's title from her. I guess tonight we will put our trust to the test, because we will be at ringside for each others matches. 

Right now, we were in the back, talking to each other.

"Hey, just curious. But why are you following me around?"- Lelani

"Well, because you were out-numbered, so I thought I'd step in, and be a friend to you. Unless you don't want my help."- Aj

"No! I don't mind you helping me out. It's just that I wasn't expecting any help from you seeing as how I was the one who took the Diva's championship from you, and ended your streak."- Lelani

Aj smiled.

"Awe don't worry about it! Streaks are made to be broken right? Besides, we need to focus on beating the Bella's tonight instead of what happened in the past."- Aj

"Yeah I guess so."- Lelani

I smiled, then we continued walking down the hall.

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