I truly love you

310 8 63

No consent sex
Sad Shoto cause the poor bby can't get a break😔

"HARU-TO! STOP PLEASE! I CANT TAKE IT!" A peppermint boy screamed as tears rolled down his face.

"Shut up Shoto and just enjoy it as much as I am you fucking whore." A black haired male said as he thrusted viscously into the poor younger boy.

Shoto was in pain. He no longer felt pleasure when him and his lover had sex. He just wanted it to be over. He didn't even want the other to touch him.

The male pulled on the halfies hair, making him look at his face. "Shoto, my love, stop pretending you don't enjoy this."

Shoto hated this with every inch of his body. He felt vulnerable and weak. He couldn't move and he could hardly speak by now. Even after using the safe word repeatedly, the male above him kept going. Shoto was overstimulated and felt like he was going to pass out and eventually he did.

That didn't stop the male above him. He kept going till his needs were satisfied. After they were, he pulled out. He quickly got dressed and left the poor half boy naked in his room (Harutos) in the cold, winter air.

In the morning
Common room

Todoroki walked through the front door of the common room. There were about three people missing. He sighed to himself as he walked into the kitchen, trying to find something to eat.

As he entered, he was met with the smell of french toast and honey covered waffles. He knew exactly who had been cooking and knew it was probably only for himself. He walked over to a cabinet. Reaching inside, he pulled out a box of......honey oats.

'Seriously' he thought to himself as he put it back in the cabinet.

"I don't know why the hell you're looking for food when I'm fucking making some." A loud blond said as he glared at Todoroki.

"Oh I thought you were only making it for yourself. You never really do nice things for others." Todoroki coldly responded as he walked out of the kitchen. Bakugo gave a eye roll back.

Surprisingly, the two got along every now and then. It was pretty rare when they did and not really near others but they did. They would sometimes help each other out with homework or training also.

After about 10 minutes, Bakugo called out to the class that their breakfast was ready. Some came tumbling in (quite literally) while others where calm. They started to fix their plates, but got interrupted by the door being pushed open. Momo was the first person to say something.

"Can we help you?"

"I'm looking for Shoto. I need to...talk to him about something." The guy looked around and found who he was looking for. Shoto gulped as the boy walked towards him. "Do you mind if I borrow him for a few?" The guy didn't wait for an answer and already started to take the younger back up to his dorm.

"I do fucking mind." Bakugo interfered before the black haired male could take the halfie any further. "He has to eat the fucking food I made."

"Well he'll just have to try whatever shit you made later. We have some business to take care of." The black hair male said as he continued to walk off, dragging the other behind him. The rest of the class just looked at each other, wondering what that was all about.

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