No Need to be Scared

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Hello lovelies! This is a story requested by @Spirits_AwayNoveDL

I hope you enjoy!
Todoroki's pov

Lunchtime. A time where you're supposed to sit down with friends and talk about feelings and shit while you eat. But at this moment, I don't feel hungry and I can't talk. If I talk, my voice will break. I can't have that. Not after the perfect, emotionless mask I built for myself. The mask that only one person can see through.

"Todoroki-kun, are you not gonna eat?" I looked up towards Midoriya and shook my head.

"I'm actually gonna h-head to the bathroom real quick."

Shit, my voice cracked.

"Oh okay!"

Good. He didn't notice.

I stood up from my chair and walked towards the double doors that lead to a different hall. Once I was in that hall, I sped walked straight to the bathroom. Well... that was before I bumped into Bakugo.

"Icyhot, you okay?" he asked as he helped me off the floor.

"Y-yeah I'm fine."

He's gonna notice the voice crack.

"You sure you're okay? You don't sound like it?"

Fucking hell Katsuki. I love you but I can't right now.

"I'm positive. Now can I get to the bathroom?"

"Yeah...of course." He moved out of my way and I immediately rushed into the bathroom.

I burst into one of the stalls, quickly locking it. The tears rolled down my face. I can't believe i'm showing weakness.

With Bakugo

Something is up with him. I know it. He seemed to be rushing to get in there. I can't leave him in there by himself. Not right now when something is clearly wrong.

I quietly opened the bathroom door and walked in. I heard muffled cries coming from one of the stalls and knew exactly who it was. I locked the door to the bathroom, setting my bag down, and knocked on the stall door.

"Shoto?" I heard him stifle a cry as he stood up and unlocked the door.


Something is definitely wrong. He only calls me that when he's upset.

"Come here my love." I opened my arms out to him and he ran right to them. I wrapped them around his waist and held him securely. "What's wrong love?"

"I-I'm scared Kats... I'm so fucking scared he'll hurt me again."

His father. He's scared of his father. The last time he panicked this much because of his father was after he came out and told his father we were dating.

"My love, I won't let him come near you." I cupped Shoto's cheeks and made him look at me. "And even if he does try to hurt you, I'll beat his old ass. Surprised he's not decaying from how old he is."

Shoto let out a giggle from the insult I gave Endeavor.

"Come on. I'll text Aizawa that you aren't feeling well so we can go to my dorm and watch movies. You like that idea?"

Shoto nodded and i placed my hand in his. I gave it a comforting squeeze as we headed to the dorm building.

Bakugo's dorm

"Alright my love, I texted Aizawa and told him-"

I looked at my bed to see that Shoto was already sound asleep. I let a smile crawl it's up to my face as I joined him on the bed. I got under the covers and pulled his body closer to mine so he knew I was there.

"I love you so much Shoto. I would never let anything happen to you. Sweet dreams."

And with that, I fell asleep along with him.

Words: 600
I hope you guys enjoyed this story!!

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