My Dear Valentine

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Valentine's day unfinished oneshot

I was stressing when i wrote this and gave up a week after Valentine's day so😛 (it's also only like 638 words😭)

Dear Shoto,

You are my sun on a cloudy day. My light in the darkness. The Valen to my tine. The-

"Yeah no, I'm not giving him this shit." Bakugo said as he threw the note into hi trash can.

"Wha- Why not!! It was perfect!" Mina whined as she looked into the blonds trash sadly.

"It was cringey as fuck. Plus it would be obvious that I didn't write it."

"It did sound a little too sweet to be Bakugo." Sero blabbed out then took another bite of the apple he was eating.

"Do what I did! Get him something he enjoys." Kaminari smiled as he looked at the group upside down from Bakugo's bed.

"What the hell did you even get eyebags jr."

"I got him a gift card to his favorite cafe, a new blanket, and some of his favorite sweets." Kaminari counted the things off.

"What does Todoroki like?" Kirishima asked next.

"He likes cafes, but not with too many people. He likes to read, but he already has way to many books. He doesn't like sweets that much and hates spice. Hates public places. Hates-"

"Alright we get it!" Mina spoke up before the blond could continue his ramble about his boyfriend. "Maybe you could take Todoroki on a date. There's a beautiful meadow a few blocks away. It would be an amazing sight at sunset."

"Oh! Oh! You can also give him the you know what!" Kirishima proudly said.

"Maybe. Now get out you four. I have shit to work on."

Bakugo pushed the group out of the door and sighed to himself. He loved his friends, but holy shit they were crazy.

Meanwhile with Shoto

Todoroki sat the basket he had made on his bed. He perfectly tied the bow onto the top for a final touch. He had gotten the blond a new phone, his favorite drink, some spicy food, and a new sweatshirt that Shoto was gonna end up stealing.

Shoto smiled to himself proudly as he started at the basket. It was the day before Valentine's day and he was excited.

Bakugo had asked him to be his Valentine by sliding a card under his door. When Shoto opened it told him to open his door and there was the blond. He was holding white roses which is now in a vase on Shoto's desk.

Shoto smiled as he remembered the gesture his blond boyfriend did. They've been dating for almost a year now and Shoto has never been happier.

As he was about to move on to something else, he heard his phone starting to ring. Picking it up, he saw it was his boyfriend.

"Hey Katsu." Shoto spoke with a smile on his face.

"Hello my love. You down for a date tomorrow?" Katsuki asked knowing that Shoto would say yes.

"Yes of course. It would be Valentine's day after all."

"Great! I'll pick you up from your dorm at 3:30 pm. See you then."

"Alright! Bye Katsu, I love you."

"I love you too baby."

As they hung up, Shotos face went a deep red. Even though the two have been dating for a long time now, he still gets flustered when the blond calls him pet names.

For now he decided to get some sleep so he would be ready for the next day.

3:20 pm (w/ Shoto)

Shoto checked one more time in the mirror to make sure he was ready. He had the blonds gift on his bed neatly made. He was gonna give it to him after their date.

It was now 3:28 pm when he heard a familiar knock on his door. He smiled softly when he saw the blond out there with another this of white roses. Shoto quickly switched out the old ones with the new ones and then they were off.

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