The Dare (NSFW)

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"Todobae!" Mina shouted and pointed at the teen. Class 1A was currently playing truth or dare and Mina was ready to give Shoto whichever he picked. "Truth or dare?"

The dual haired male sighed as he knew whichever he picked, he would regret so he might as well get this over with. "Dare."

"Oh~ okay okay." Mina brought her pointer finger to her chin, tapping it in a thinking type of way. "I dare you..." she trailed off a bit as if she was still thinking. "I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into the room ON THE LIPS!"She squealed with happiness.

Todoroki rolled his eyes, but he said to himself that it could be worse. And as if timing couldn't be anymore perfect, Bakugo walked into the room.

All eyes went on Todoroki who was already up and walking to the blond. Everyone silently prayed for him.

As Todoroki walked up to the blond, he quickly tapped his shoulder so he knew he needed something.

"What the fuck do you want." Bakugo bluntly stated.

Shoto said no words before he pressed his lips on the blonds who was taken by surprise. Shoto backed away and then went back to the circle. Bakugo just stood there awkwardly and speechless. The class had no words.

"Midoriya. Truth or dare?" Shoto spoke up. The whole class was still in shock and still haven't processed what happened. Bakugo finally did, but instead of yelling at the dual haired teen, he grabbed him from the circle and drug him off.

"Omg. Bakugo's gonna kill Todoroki."

"Or he's gonna fuck Todoroki."

"SHHHH! Kami, Kiri, let it happen!" Mina said making the class sigh and continue the game.





"What the fuck was that about." Bakugo asked as he threw the younger into his room. Todoroki just calmly sat on the bed while Bakugo stayed standing, frustrated.

"Mina dared me to kiss the next person who walked into the room on the lips. You just so happened to walk in right after." Todoroki bluntly stated as he looked at Bakugo.

"You idiot. What if a teacher walked in huh?" Bakugo started scolding the other who just sat and listened. He himself was shocked that he kissed Bakugo. His crush. "Are you even listening to me."


Todoroki sat in silence with his head hanging down. He had no idea what to say in a moment like this. Bakugo was the exact same way. No idea what to say or do. I mean, his crush kissed him all because of a dare.

Bakugo walked up to the younger, standing in front of him. He lifted his face up by his chin. "Look at me and listen when I talk to you."

Todoroki felt a deep blush overcome his face. The blond noticed this and got an idea.

"What's the matter? You were so brave when you kissed me in front of the class, but now," he let out a low chuckle, "now you're turning red from me simply touching you. Why is that?"

"I- um..." Todoroki was at a loss for words. He felt slightly embarrassed, but he also wanted to see where this was going.

Bakugo smirked at the younger. He doesn't know what possessed him to do this. Maybe it was that he was finally alone with Todoroki or maybe it was his teenage hormones. Whatever it was, he didn't mind.

"Come on darling, tell me. What's with the red face?" Bakugo leaned down closer to his face, their lips almost touching.

"You're t-too close." Todoroki stuttered out. If the blond kept teasing him like this, he might set the room on fire.

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