Kirishima finds out

476 6 35

3rd year AU

" and Todoroki?" Kirishima said as he placed his arm around Bakugo.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Come on bro! You can tell me! I promise I won't tell anyone." Kirishima begged and he held his pinky out for a pinky promise.

'I can't believe I'm about to do this shit.' Bakugo thought as he linked his pinky with Kirishima.

"Fine. I'll tell you, but if you tell a single soul."

"I won't I won't!" Kirishima swore as he put his hands up. "Just mostly think of this as an apology for making me see you two making out."

"Your fault for walking into my dorm unannounced. Now come on let's go to my room so none of these extras listen in."

In Bakugo's dorm

"I texted Shoto to meet us in here so I don't have to explain this shit by myself." Bakugo scoffed as he sat on his bed and kirishima sat on the chair at his desk.

After 10 minutes, Shoto walked into the dorm room. He gave the red head a little wave without looking towards him due to embarrassment. He took a seat next to Bakugo in the bed to which Kirishima rolled towards them so they could talk about what's been happening between the two.

"Okay, you caught us. Me and Icyhot are dating and I know I don't need to worry about you having a fucking problem with that cause you like the nerd." Bakugo spat out, not letting the other two get any words out.

"You like Midoriya?" Todoroki questioned as he looked at Kirishima.

"I- um- maybe. But he's already dating Uraraka so I kinda have to get over him haha." Kirishima said as his face went red.

"Uraraka and Midoriya aren't dating. Uraraka is dating Iida and Midoriya is single." Todoroki pointed out.

"Uraraka and Iida are dating?"

"Four eyes and Round face are together?"

Bakugo and Kirishima said at the same time as they looked at Shoto with confusion.

Todoroki nodded. He thought it was quite obvious that Iida and Uraraka were dating, but he guesses he was wrong.

"Okay enough about me, Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka. How did you two get together?"

Todoroki's face went bright red while Bakugo's went a little pink.

"I knew you were going to fucking ask that." Bakugo mumbled.

"The hell did y'all two do to make y'all's face look like fucking strawberries?" Kirishima stifled a laugh as he watched the two.

"I may have confessed to him because I thought we were going to die on one of our missions..." Todoroki softly spoke out as he kept his gaze on the ground.

"And I may have kissed him and told him we were gonna make out of the mission alive then I was gonna take him on the best date he ever fucking had." Bakugo finished as his face went a little more pink.

"Awww that's so sweet! Y'all need a ship name now. What about TodoBaku?" Kirishima said as he thought about different ship names.

"Fuck no. I'm not letting this half off candy cane top me. Never in my fucking life."

"Ah- right forgot about your ego. Will switch it around then. BakuTodo!"

"I never thought I'd have to hear someone come up for a ship name, but here I am." Shoto said as he smiled through the pain of ship names.

"I don't get ship names either Sho. Like I get them for shows and shit, but real life tf."

"So you don't like the ship name?" Kirishima questioned looking between the two.

"Oh no I fucking love it. Shows that I'm the one in charge." Bakugo spoke as he let his ego take over.

"Okay yeah sure. Also thank you so much Kirishima for be willing to keep this a secret. It's mean a lot." Todoroki said as he smiled softly at the redhead.

"No problem!"

"I'll help you get a date with Midoriya to pay you back."

"No no you don't have to do that!" Kirishima said as he stood up to get ready to leave. "I can do it! It shouldn't be that hard. I do need to get going though. I have to go train."

"Oh we'll see you later Kirishima."

"Bye shitty hair."
"Now that he's gone, do you wanna-"

"Nope! Not gonna risk getting caught by one of your friends again. But we can watch a movie."

"Alright sounds fine to me. Lock the door though!" Bakugo said as he laid against he backboard and opened his computer to look for a movie.

"Yeah yeah. I am."

During the movie
Bakugo's pov

Shoto was laying on my chest due to him being exhausted from the day he had. I was about to cut the movie off and fall asleep myself when i got a text message.

*Ding Ding*

I checked my phone to see a text from my idiotic friends.

Red Seasoning On Cow Tits

Alien eyes

Next time you piss me off, make sure to close your blinds

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Next time you piss me off, make sure to close your blinds.

Knockoff Pikachu
Todoroki and Bakugo??

Y'all didn't know?

Soy sauce
When did this happen😀

Shitty hair
Welp- good luck keeping this a secret now Bakubro-

Alien eyes
Jirou, Kiri, y'all knew🥲

Shitty hair
Since yesterday yeah.

They're kinda obvious-

And that's how the whole class figured out that me and Shoto were dating.

Words: 895

Just a short little shit post😄

Also what do we think about an omegaverse book🫣

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