What a coincidence

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Suggested by LavenderStars-18
Love You Fama🩷


Bakugo and Todoroki. Two names you would always hear together. This being wether they were in trouble, training, or doing class activities. Whatever it was, the two would always choose the other for it. To everyone, it seemed like the two were together. If you were to ask them if they were, they would respond with "we're just friends."

Here's the catch. Neither of them wanted to be just friends. They wanted to be with each other. Not like they would ever tell the other that though. So that's how they are in this situation. Todoroki sitting in Jirou's dorm, giving the weekly updates. Kirishima in Bakugo's dorm, listening to him rant about Todoroki and all his inner thoughts that he can't tell the other.

To say the least, Jirou and Kirishima were fed up of hearing the two fawn over each other, but never doing anything. So they got together a few weeks prior to now and came up with a plan to get the two to confess on the same day.

With Jirou and Todoroki

"Hello Shoto. Are you here for this weeks update on you and Bakugo?" Jirou said as her friend walked through the door like he always did on late Friday afternoons.

She was sitting at her desk finishing up the homework they had to turn in Monday morning. Shoto sat down on the girls bed like he always would.

"He's really starting to confuse me now." they say in silence for a bit. Jirou gave Shoto the 'care to explain' look to wich he complied. "He did this thing when we were training outside of school today."

And so there Shoto was, giving her the run down of what happened. Once he was done, she stood up and went to sit beside him.

"I think it's time you ask him on a date. Then you can confess your feelings towards him cause to me it looks like you two are destined to be together." Jirou said as she gave a conforming smile.

"Maybe you're right. But you need to help me plan this."

Jirou knew he was gonna say that so she started to give him the ideas her and kirishima came up with.

Speaking of Kirishima, let's see how things are going on his end.

With Kirishima and Bakugo

"Why the fuck did I do that!" Bakugo yelled out as he continued to pace around in his room.

He was currently talking about the move he made on Todoroki when they were training. And I'm not talking about a new move with his quirk. I'm talking about a move with his flirt.

"Bro, you haven't even told me what you did so I can't answer that for you." Kirishima sarcastically replied back as he leaned back on the blonds bed.

Bakugo groaned at the thought of having to explain. He had a war with his thoughts to tell his best friend or not, but he ended up did.

"We just got done fighting, I was laying on my back on the ground and he was sitting on top of me. I thought to myself 'I wonder what his thighs feel like'. So you know what I fucking did? I gripped his fucking thighs and slowly moved my hands to his ass. When I realized what I was doing, I threw him over my head."

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