Screw up's

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Maya's pov

I couldn't believe myself right now. It was as if I was inevitable toward Savage. I felt myself get excited as my eyes began to change color. The color iris. "Maya?" Oliver's voice appears behind me. I feel my eyes return back to normal and look at him. This is exactly what I knew what would happen. Oliver probably thinks I'm a monster. Suddenly I hear Egyptian words as a force hits me and sends me flying to the other side of the room.

I groan once I hit the floor, "You could've killed me when you had the chance." Savage tells me afar with arms wide. "I used to enjoy slow deaths, now I just find them boring." He said. The next thing I know, I'm outside the church lying on the street with Barry and Oliver as it explodes and Savage is nowhere to be found.

"Maya, that was you? I had no idea-" Oliver said but I cut him off.

"I know what you're going to say." I sigh and look down. "You had no idea I was this kind of person." I sit up and pull my knees to my chest, resting my head on top.

"Actually, I was going to say I had no idea you were capable of such greatness. Why have you never used your powers before?" He asked as we get to our feet.

Confused, I was going to answer him but Barry stepped in. "Listen guys, I know y'all are having a meaningful conversation but Kendra needs our help and Savage is on the loose." He said. Afterwards, we all agreed and headed back with Barry to Starling City.
After discussing the plan to take down Savage and finding out Kendra has found her wings, we were one step closer to stopping Savage. I was currently at Central City in Jitters, sitting and talking with my two boys. My eyes caught Oliver looking at 'The Flash Coffee' on the tv screen making me pat his shoulder. "Don't worry, Oliver. You, too, will get a drink of your own someday." I say with a toothy smile.

"What? I don't care about some stupid drink." He tried to shake it off but I could sense his jelly-ness.

"We still need to get Savage." Barry tells us as we agree. I wish Savage would just let Kendra and Carter be. Maybe things would have been simpler if Barry wasn't The Flash or if Oliver wasn't The Arrow.

I feel my phone ringing as a random number appears on my screen. Curious, I answer it: "Hello?" I ask.

"Maya, hi. This is Will." The voice said. I felt my heart jump out of my chest and dance for a bit then hop back inside. I haven't heard his voice in a while which made me feel tingly. "I'm sorry for not reaching out to you earlier. I was on vacation and lost my phone and didn't have your number by memory. Don't hate me for that." I hear him chuckle.

"No, it's okay. How are you feeling?" I ask, smiling and walked toward a table away from both of the men. I didn't want Barry to intrude since he doesn't really find Will appealing.

"I'm fine, actually. I was going to ask how you were?" He said. I felt as if I was a teen again talking to her crush for the first time. I couldn't control myself from all the jittery feelings.

I could sense him smiling as he talked. "I'm great, too." He said. "I know we left off in a weird place the last time we saw each other, but I was wondering if you wanted to get a bite to eat? Possibly tomorrow?" He asked.

"Oh, tomorrow I can't. I'm helping my brother out with...a case." I lied but didn't really at the same time. "What about Saturday?" I ask.

"Sounds awesome. See you then, love." He hung up as I did a little happy dance in Jitters not caring about anyone's opinion. I turn around and gasp in surprise, seeing both Barry and Oliver in front of me. "Gosh, you scared me." I say to both, my hand over my chest.

Oliver with his arms crossed and Barry with a confused expression. "Help me with what case?" Barry asks. "And what about Saturday?"

"Oh, it's nothing." I tell him with a sheepish smile. Both just stood tall with their arms crossed, they looked at each other and back at me a few times. I narrow my eyes at them and hold my phone close to my chest. I didn't know what evil plans they had up their sleeves but I sure as heck wasn't going to find out. "Ahem, yes may I help you?" I ask in a sarcastic tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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