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Maya's pov
After hearing about Professor Steins incident with him appearing in flames, I couldn't help but not focus on my work. Firestorm is going down into flames. Literally. There was, yet, a slam on my desk making me look up to see it was Will. "Okay, you've got to stop doing that." I said, rubbing my head.

"I'll stop doing that once you start being focused on work." He said, holding a manilla folder in his hand. He sat across from me and opened it, revealing our case. "It states that we have a fire meta human on our hands." He said making me confused.

I turn it around so that I can see for myself. Oh no. Not this case. "Yeah. I'm going to pass." I said. The reason for this is because the fire meta human is Professor Stein. I thought this was secret and only happened at S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Aw. You sound like you actually have a choice." He said, smiling sarcastically. "A few said that they saw him walking home at night and suddenly started bursting into flames then of course ran off." He stated as I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I could feel my sweat stick to my clothing, the heat of my body being trapped by my brown leather jacket.

"Of course. I'll look into it." I was about to run off until Will gently grabbed me by the arm. This was getting more tense than my reaction. If he caught Professor Stein then he would be locked up and Clarissa would be distress. My head was hurting from thinking too much.

Will made a confused face. "You? You mean we'll look into it." He said, snatching the file out of my hand. I should've snatched it back from him but I didn't. He smirked at me then let go of my arm. "Oh and, stop heating up love. I know you have the hots for me." He looked at me one last time then left after winking. The hots for him...more like heat flashes.
I informed Barry over the phone about how Will was looking into Professor Steins case. He insisted that he would tell Singh that S.T.A.R. Labs has it under control and that hunting him down won't be necessary. It turns out that they're actually trying to find him a new partner, which makes me feel a lot better knowing he'll be okay soon. I walk into Jitters and see Iris, fidgeting with her hands.

I walk toward her and sit across from her on the short table. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask, concerned for my very best friend. She didn't seem like the happy and confident Iris I knew.

"I met my mom, today." She stated.

"Oh." I said, shocked. I never thought her mom would come back to Central City. I wonder why she's so upset, she's always wanted to know about her biological mother. "Then why is your expression the opposite than I expected?" I question, still confused.

She shakes her head, looking past me in deep thought. It's just that, why now? Why come now after twenty years all of a sudden?" She said. I frowned at her, knowing she was frustrated with her own thoughts. "I told her I didn't want to see her again. Do you think I did the right thing?"

I was taken back as she asked me that question. I didn't know what to say, I had no words. "Um, do I think you did the right thing? Well, uh, I think you kind of should've—I don't know gave her a chance to explain..." I said as she gave me a glare. "...or not. You know what, what you said to her was right. Shame on her."

"I'm serious, Maya. You know how hard this is for me." She said, looking down. "You really think I should've let her explain?" She asked with wonder in her eyes.

I put my hand on hers. "I don't know. What I do know is that you're a great person and you're that person that will always give others second chances and would want to know the truth." I told her, knowing it would help. "The best thing for now, is to wait. See what happens next. If you decide to talk to her then do it. If you don't, then she wasn't meant to come back into you're life." I give a soft smile to her and she gives me one.

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