A Real Hero

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ATTENTION: ALL RIGHTS GO TO The Flash or Supergirl. I'm only doing Maya's story life!
Maya's pov
It's so strange. So strange. This doesn't look at all like Central City. It looks more like a place you would see in movies. Grateful I was yesterday when Kara offered me to stay at her place since I told her a unreal story of my friend dropping me off to visit my aunt and I needed somewhere to sleep. Weird, I know. She's really fun to hang with but has been sneezing lately. She doesn't looks so good to be working. "Are you okay?" I ask her.

"I'm fine-achoo!" She sneezed as we were in an elevator with a tray of coffees. The elevator door opens as a very good looking guy appears on the other end. The both of us exchange bemused looks. "Oh, Winn, this is Maya Allen. Maya this is my friend Winn." She said with a tissue up to her nose.

We walk out of the elevator. "Nice to meet you Maya." He said and I nod, pressing my lips into a thin line. His focus is now on Kara. "What's happening?" He asked.

"Oh, there was a 10 year old on the bus with a running nose." She stated, shaking her head. He then starts telling her of how she was behind on everything which surprised me because it sounded as if she was employee of the year. "Can we not discuss this right now." She hinted that I was behind them.

Winn turns to me and smiles. "Hey, so Karas not feeling so well. But may I ask one question, how did you two meet?" He asked.

"Oh we met just yesterday. Although, she looked a little better before coming into work." I said. I noticed her red nose and the way she sounded but then she started to sneeze once we entered the elevator.

"Huh," he thought. "Well, Ms. Maya, how about we get out of here and get you something to eat." He said. He didn't even have to ask me twice due to me already heading to the elevator.

When we entered the small cafe, we both sat on the bar stools. "So how come I haven't seen The Flash on the newspaper? Does he not come to this city?" I ask, cleaning the area that others had left a mess on with a napkin.

"The Flash? We don't have a 'Flash' here. We do have Supergirl if that's what you're wondering." He said. Supergirl? Who is that?

"Well what about the Arrow? I'm sure you've heard of him." I say and still he shakes his head. My head was spinning with questions. What in the world is this place? "Can I borrow you're phone?" I ask and he nods handing it over to me.

I quickly search "Central City" but it never appeared in the maps. Just then I remember Dr. Wells saying something about different worlds...oh no! Cisco sent me into a different world! I'm going to murder him. "Is everything okay?" Winn asked as he saw my lips turn into a straight line with my eyes narrowed.

"I wish I could say yes." I state and sigh. It's okay, they'll find a way to get me back. Hopefully.

Barry's pov
"You what?" I exclaimed walking into the cortex to Cisco after hearing he stole the last donut. Ugh, he's lucky that he didn't go through the fridge and eat Maya's strawberry ice cream. She would not be so happy about that.

"I'm stress eating." He said and continued. That's odd, I wonder what he's stressed about. Speaking of stress, I've been concerned because Maya hasn't been here since yesterday after what Caitlin told me. She went after Zoom and never came back.

I turn to Cisco, "You haven't happen to know here Maya is, do you?" I ask. Cisco didn't look my way and stuffed his face more. There's something off about him. "Cisco–" I was going to continue to ask him but he cut me off.

"I'm sorry! Maya hasn't been here because I mistakenly threw her into a portal from a different world and now she's missing." He spoke quickly, hoping I didn't catch every word but I did. I was lost in words as I took a seat next to him. "Barry? Barry, are you alright?" Cisco asked.

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