Forward was the only way.

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William King🔝
Maya's pov
I felt stomach explode with fireworks inside as I rocked on my feet excitedly, waiting outside the prison gate. Today is the day our dad is free from being held inside that hell hole. I was holding up flowers with a big grin on my face. "You do realize Dad is not a flower person, right?" Barry asked, making my smile disappear and turn to him.

"Well excuse me but at least I thought of a gift." I jab my finger into his chest causing him to roll his eyes. It's true, I was the one who told Barry to stop by flower shop while he thought it was a waste of time. "Every time I try to nice you always act like a total—Dad!" I exclaim running to him and wrapping my arms around him.

He laughs and does the same. We pull away and his eyes catch the flowers I was holding tightly. "Sunflowers? So generous, you shouldn't have." He smiled taking them gratefully as I turn to look at Barry sticking my tongue out. He puts his hands up in surrender and with a serious expression. Therefore, I seem to spot a ghost smile on his face. I watch as Barry walks over to him and hugs him. Dad just hugs him back, patting him and slowly smiles. There's nowhere I would rather be than here.

We drove home and surprised Dad with a 'welcome home' party. Hugs and laughs were shared with one another and smiles were exchanged. My heart felt warm knowing mom would be happy for us all. Stein presents a speech, telling us we will always remember the ones we have, and the ones we lost and to move forward. We all held up and our glass, in response. Forward was the only way.
"Wow, it looks great!" I exclaimed at Barry's suit, that only had an upgrade of a white that circled around the lightning bolt that makes it pop out. Stein agreed with me as well.

"And S.T.A.R. Labs is even safer then ever. Increased security and surveillance." Caitlin said smiling. As Cisco added that nothing we're to get inside without alerting us. We really went big on this due to our ex-friend turning out to be one of Barry's greatest enemy. You can't trust anyone.

All our smiles disappeared as a man in black walked in. Cisco surprised because his alerting system didn't go off. Barry asked who he was as he stood there. He finally spoke, "You don't know me, but I know you...Barry Allen." Caitlin and I both looked at each other in shocked then back to the man. Joe pointed a gun at him and asked again who he was. "My name is Jay Garrick, and your world is in danger."

We all stood and waited for him to explain more. He showed his face as my eyes widened. That's guy that was taking a picture of me. Weird how he shows up here knowing who Barry was. "How do you know my name?" My brother asked. I too wondered the same thing. Maybe he's a stalker?

"I know all your names. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Roman, Detective Joe West," he looked my direction, probably about to say my name until Joe stated it was enough. Jay then told us that our world was in danger by other words. What? How many do we have? "When you created the singularity above Central City, you also created a breach between my world and yours." Jay added on. I wanted to interrupt him and ask him more questions but it didn't seem like the right time to do so.

Jay explained how our worlds were connected and the man that was named 'Hulk Smash' was from Earth 2 instead and the one that died was on our Earth. "So 'Jay'," I said as he looks at me. "How do you know all of this?"

"Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash." He said then looked at Barry. So after he explains the whole story of who our next threat was, 'Zoom', he told us that he lost his powers coming here. I've heard the name before: Zoom. Then I remembered he payed me a visit the last time. Just thinking if it gave me the chills. At first I thought I was just seeing things until I found out he was real.

Barry decided to run some tests on him, wanting to know the real truth. He didn't believe Zoom was real. While they were running tests I walk up to Barry. "Can I talk to you for a second?" He nods as we move from everyone else. "Barry I think Zoom is real." I said making Barry chuckle and shake his head.

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