Why purple?

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Maya's pov
Never did I picture this. The color violet flowing from my hands itself. What was happening to me? I'm not invincible. I'm a normal being that has a job at CCPD with an invincible brother. Tiredly, I bring my knees to my chest, rocking myself in a meta-proof cell. There was a knock on the window. "Hungry?" It was Jay.

He held up a bag of tacos which warmed my heart. Jay and I have gotten close and it's like he's family. "Thank you." I smile as he puts the tasty food wrapped in aluminum foil through the small door. I grab it and open it, the smell of bacon and egg filling my nose. "Where's Barry?" I ask and Jay sits down across from me.

"Speaking with Dr. Light." He stated, too opening his taco, in a criss cross seated way.

"Oh." I mumble. Barry hasn't came to visit since I pushed him toward a wall. My heart felt like it broke in two all over again. Was he afraid? Or could he possibly think I'm some sort of monster? "Well at least you're here." I said to Jay.

He nodded understandingly. "Don't jump to conclusions, Maya. You're brother loves you very much, he just needs time to think." Jay said. Think? Think about what? He's not the one that tried to hurt someone and forcefully locked himself in a cell.

Just then footsteps are heard behind Jay as Barry comes to my view. I felt happy and relieved he was here but disappointed he wasn't the first to visit me. Jay escorts himself giving Barry and I time to talk. "So how've you been?" He asked.

"Why did it take you so long to come here?" I ask now standing on my two feet. He shoves his hands in his pockets and stays silent for a minute.

"I was with Dr. Light for a moment then went with Caitlin and Cisco to figure out how to help you." He said. I scoff and turn around, pacing back and forth in a small area. I know it felt like I was over exaggerating but it's like he was being distant.

I then turn to him fully with a frown placed on my face. "I wanted you to be the first to visit me." I felt tears in my eyes out of frustration. It felt as if he didn't care about me and I feared I would be abandon and have no one.

He comes closer, knowing by the sound of my voice I was scared. "Hey I'm sorry. Okay, I'm sorry. I should've been the first one. I promise not to do that to you again." He said. I nodded trying to catch my breath from my voice cracking. If only I wouldn't have gone to Iris' workplace at first, I wouldn't have jumped in front of Will and none of this wouldn't have happened. Then I remembered.

"Will." I said. I walk to Barry and frantically blow up with questions. "Where is he? Is he okay? Did anything happen to him? He's not dead is he? Tell me he's not dead. Please-"

"He's fine." Barry said in a calm voice. I sighed in relief but felt that he wasn't telling me the whole story. I narrow my eyes at my brother and he lets out a breath he was trying to hold. "May I add, he's curious of where you went and what happened to you."

My eyes widened. He was worried about me? I felt giddy inside knowing he cared about me. "I need to see him." I said but Barry shook his head.

"A minute ago, you wanted yourself locked up and now since I mention the British guy, you want out? I don't think so." Barry said. "I want you to be let out when you're aware you're ready." He stated.

Just sudden, something clicked inside of me. Madness. "Excuse me? What, you think I'm crazy and need to be caged up? I did this to myself and I can get out of it easily." I said firmly. "Now let me out." I demanded.

"No. I'm not going to let you out. This power is triggering your emotions all at once. That's why you felt sad when I didn't visit you, happy when I mentioned Will's whereabouts toward you, and now angry. It's still not safe for you." He said.

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