'Hulk Smash'

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Maya Allen
The past isn't worth thinking about. At least for me it isn't. To keep striving forward is my main goal and nothing more. All the past has done was leave me tears and heart ache. Just remembering it would be too much on my plate. The wounds that once made me bleed had turned into scars from a battle that was a loss. I had to keep myself occupied by working at CCPD as a detective. My job has kept me from thinking of what my old life was like. My brother and Joe didn't seem so happy about it though.

I was at a crime scene with Joe watching Barry examine a body. "Petechiae on his face and the whites of his eyes, and this burning on his neck," he explained.

"So he was strangled?" I ask still looking at his neck. Barry and I haven't been close ever since the incident. So many peoples lives were lost.

"Yes, by someone very strong and very large." He stated. Maybe it wasn't someone but something. Barry must of read my mind, "It wasn't Grodd." He said making me sigh in relief.

Barry stands after gathering his things. "So this Flash Day thing." Joe started, Barry looking my direction and then at Joe. "I hope you're planning on making an appearance." Everyone was thrilled for tomorrow and couldn't wait to see Flash walk on stage to receive an award. I wouldn't blame them, since when do you ever see the Flash in person without running constantly.

We all stood in awkward silence. "I, uh, go to go. I'm a little tired from today." I state while walking away from their conversation. I needed a nap or something to get my mind straight for Flash Day tomorrow.

"Maya! Maya, wait." I hear my brother say as I turn around. "Do you wanna come watch a movie later with Joe and maybe Iris?" He asked, trying to lighten the tension. I wonder why he was asking this.

I shake my head. "No, I'm gonna go to the station to catch up on things or sleep for a few hours." He nods and shrugs his shoulders.

"Oh okay. Well I guess I'll just see you later." Barry says making me nod in agreement and turn to walk away. So there I was, at the station, minding my own business. I had no idea what I was doing here, I just didn't feel like going home alone.

A sudden voice appeared in the room. "Fear the beard." What? There is only one person I know that would say something rational like that. I look up as a smile crosses my face. "Cisco?" I say aloud not caring who's heads I turned.

He turns and blinks as if he needed glasses to see. "Maya Allen. Well I'll be damned. I haven't seen you in like a year. Maybe even a decade." He exaggerates making me roll my eyes playfully.
"It's only been 5 months." I said and add on. "Counting the month I was in the hospital."
He frowns at my reply. "How are you holding up?" He asks. My chest tightens and my mind races to every thought I didn't want to think about.

"I am...okay." I let out, taking a deep breath again. Focus, don't share any emotion.

"Well I'm glad. Why don't you stop by S.T.A.R. Labs afterwards?" He asks, putting on a big grin. What is he doing to himself?

I shake my head. "Cisco, I'm not going back." I said making his grin drop. Not the puppy face. Oh no. I sigh and tell him, "I don't think I'm ready to go back." I shrug and say that I have another job to proceed on. He nods and tells me a goodbye and walks out with his head hung low. Poor Cisco.
"Let me just say, how glad I am to be here." I sarcastically said causing Joe and Cisco to look at me.

"Come on, Maya. It can't be that bad." Joe shrugs his shoulders. "I mean you're outside and looking at the blue sky and feeling the fresh air." Joe said thinking of the small things. How cute. We watch the mayor hold up the reward high and wait for Barry to appear. Everyone is silent as I rock on my heels nervously. Come on, Barry.

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